Chapter 51: My ring size?

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*Ashley's P.O.V.*

I was watching Tyler milk a cow for the first time when Harley had pulled me away from the group.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"Pop wants me to patrol the land and I want you to come with me." Harley said.

"Patrol?" I asked.

"Yeah, make sure no one is snooping around. This is private property after all." She said.

"Okay." I said.

"Wait right here, I'll be right back." She told me.

"Okay." I replied.

She went inside while I waited. She came back out with a walkie talkie in her hands and then we got onto our horses.

"You ready?" She asked me.

"Yup, lead the way." I said.

We headed off and rode around the border of the property. I was thinking about how I need to get her ring size as soon as possible for the ring so it is done on time. We were away from everyone so I took the opportunity.

"So," I started as we got further away from the house.

"What's up?" She asked.

"I have a very random question for you." I said.

"Okay?" She said, sounding confused.

"How in the hell do I ask her without giving it away? Wait, her birthday is soon..."

"Well, your birthday is coming up soon." I said.

"Yes?" She said, still sounding confused.

"Well, I wanted to get you something special because I love you." I said, blushing a little from nervousness.

"You don't have to do that. You being here for me is more than I could ever ask for." She said.

"Well, I wanted to get you something special and I'm probably gonna give it away but.. Um... What is your ring size?" I asked.

"My ring size? Uh, I'm not sure. What finger because I think they're probably different sizes?" She told me.

"Uhh." I said, my eyes getting wide.


"What?" She asked.

"Uh, I don't know, any of your fingers. Like maybe index or ring or middle.." I said, getting extremely nervous.

"Um, I think maybe a 6 or 7." She finally said.

"Okay, just curious." I said, making a mental note of the number.

"Wait, now she thinks I'm getting her a ring for her birthday... Shit! Now I have to do that... I should probably get her earrings, err, plugs. Oh, she wanted to get those music ones, maybe I should..."

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