Chapter 8: CC's our neighbor?!

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*Harley's P.O.V.*

"Thank you and goodnight!" Andy screamed into the mic.

The band went to the front of the stage and bowed. The crowd went wild. They then threw their picks, water bottles, rags, and drumsticks into the crowd. CC came back with one drumstick still in his hand. He smiled and handed it to Hera. He then headed for the dressing room. All of the boys left the stage and headed for the dressing room, except for Ashley.

"That was amazing!" I said as he approached me.

"I'm glad you liked it." He said.

We hung out a little bit after the show.

"So, how many more days of tour do u have?" I asked.

"Oh, only 5 days, well 4 after tonight." He said.

"Awesome. We should meet up sometime when you're off tour and hang out." I suggested.

"Yeah, that'd be awesome. I'd really like that. I'll let you know how my schedule is and we can figure something out." He said.

"Okay, sounds cool." I said.

We walked outside and headed for the tour bus.

"I'll make sure to text everyday, I promise." He said.

I laughed.

"Okay." I said, blushing.

We arrived at the tour bus and exchanged goodbyes with the band. I gave Ashley a special goodbye, with a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye, we'll see you soon." Ashley said as he entered the tour bus.

The bus then started up and they pulled away, heading for the next venue.

"Aww." Hera whined.

"It's alright, we can see them again soon." I said, picking her up and heading for the car.

We got to the car and then left for 'home.'

"Hey, how was the concert?" Cleo asked as we got home.

"Awesome, but Hera was up way past her bedtime. She fell asleep in the car." I said.

I brought her to her room and tucked her in bed. I then went to the living room.

"Did Starbucks call you?" Cleo asked.

"Yup, I start tomorrow... At 3:30 am." I said in a disappointed tone.

"Well, you better get ready, it's 2 already." She said.

"Grrr." I said.

I washed off my war paint as well as I could and hopped in the shower. I scrubbed my face even more. When I was done, I got out and started getting ready. I did my hair and my minimal make-up and put on some decent work clothes.

"Good luck." Cleo said as I opened the door.

"Thanks." I said, shutting and locking the door.

I got in my car and drove to work.

Skip a few months

((*A/N* It's Friday now. The boys have been off of tour for a while and Harley and Ashley have been getting very close and have unofficially started dating. Harley and Hera know the band pretty well now. Harley and Hera bought a new apartment and are moving in now.))

"Hey, thank you so much Cleo. It means so much. We'll have to go out sometime and I'll treat." I said.

"Don't worry about it, Harley. It's my pleasure." She said.

"Bye." I said.

She waved, went down the stairs, and exited the building.

"Ahh, finally! Our own place!" I said.

We had just finished moving in and settling. Our landlord is much nicer than the one we had at our last apartment. I heard a knock at the door.

"Hey, I- Harley?" CC said.

"Hey. How'd you know where my new apartment was?" I asked, really confused.

"I live right across the hall." He said, pointing to his apartment. "I was gonna introduce myself but you already know me soo."

"CC!" Hera yelled.

"Hey kiddo!" He said.

Hera ran right past me and into CC's arms.

"You're back!" She said, hugging him.

"Yup, and guess what?" He said.

"What?" She said.

"We're neighbors!" He said.

Her eyes got wide. She looked at me and I smiled.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yup!" He replied. "And if you guys ever need anything you're always welcome." He said to me this time.

"Okay, thank you so much." I said, taking Hera out of his arms.

"Just knock first." He said.

"Of course." I said.

"Okay, just wanted to greet the new neighbor. Everyone's pretty nice here so you won't have to worry about anything." He said.

"Okay. Thank you." I said.

"Oh, also, the rest of the guys are coming over later if you'd like to come hang out, 5 maybe?" He asked.

"Okay, yeah. I'll be there." I said.

"And Hera can come too." He said.

"Okay, cool. We'll see you soon." I said.

"Cool. See you later." He said, heading to his apartment and closing the door.

I shut the door and sat on the couch.

"Oh my god!" Hera screamed.

"What?" I asked.

"CC's our neighbor!" She said.

"Yeah. That's pretty cool, huh?" I said.

"Yes!" She screamed.

She ran off to her room to do something. I took my phone out and put my earbuds in. I turned on Black Veil Brides and decided to take a little nap before we go to CC's place later.

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