Chapter 52: I give you permission to marry my niece

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*Ashley's P.O.V.*

I had rode back to the main house and had put my horse in the barn by the house. I knocked on the door before entering and Harley's aunt and uncle were still sitting at the table, reading the newspaper.

"Howdy." Uncle Sam said.

"Hey. Um, can I talk to you real quick?" I asked him.

"Yes. Belle, can you please go upstairs. We should be getting ready for bed anyway." He said to Aunt Belle.

"Sure, sweetheart." She said.

She left the room and Uncle Sam told me to sit. I sat across from him.

"What did you want to speak about?" Uncle Sam said, putting his newspaper away.

"Um, so, Harley and I have been dating for a while and I love her so much. She is my everything and we've been talking about our future together. Um, I've been thinking about taking the next step in our relationship and uh," I said.

"Yes?" Uncle Sam said.

"Um, I wanted to propose to her." I said.

Uncle Sam's facial expression remained the same and I was really nervous he wouldn't approve.

"Okay." He said.

There was a small pause.

"Well, Ashley, if you are truly in love with my niece, you must know quite a bit about her past." He said.

"Yes, sir, I do." I said.

"You must know how she was abused growing up by her father and how she still struggles with her past." He said.

"I do, sir." I said.

He sighed.

"Harley is everything to me and it breaks my heart knowing what happened to her growing up. If I had found out you hurt her in any way, I would've flown out to your little apartment and snapped your neck right off of your body." Uncle Sam said, getting a little angry.

I swallowed hard and sat still in my chair.

"However, Harley loves you to pieces. I speak on the telephone with her every Sunday. She's always talking about how Ashley made her breakfast or Ashley took her to the movies or Ashley went shopping with her or whatever else you two do. I can really tell you two love eachother and I'm actually kinda surprised you had enough courage to come up to her old man and ask him for permission to do something like that." Uncle Sam said.

I just nodded, still very nervous.

"So, that being said, I give you permission to marry my niece." He said.

I smiled like crazy.

"Thank you so much. I promise, you won't regret that decision." I said.

"I don't think I will." He said, smiling. "You seem like a really good kid and Harley needs someone like that."

We both stood up.

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