Chapter 17: Razorblades

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*Harley's P.O.V.*

"Good luck." Ashley said.

He pecked my lips and I opened the door and stepped out of the car. He drove away as I stepped into the small building. There was a receptionist at a desk.


I walked up to the desk and she looked up at me politely.

"Hello. How may I be of assistance?" She asked.

"Hi. I'm looking for Cleo Snyder?" I said.

"Sure. Right this way." She said, getting up.

I followed her down a maze of hallways and she knocked on door 110.

"Cleo, you have a guest." She said while opening the door slightly.

She motioned for me to enter and then she left. I walked in and was greeted by a bunch of people sitting casually on bean bags and pillows.

"Hey Harley." Cleo said, getting up.

We hugged and she brought me over to a bean bag. I sat on it next to a tall, handsome man with tattoos and piercings. Cleo sat on the other side of him.

"So everyone, this is Harley." Cleo introduced.

I waved shyly.

"Hey." I said, looking around at the three other people in the room.

"Hey. I'm Tyler." The tall, handsome man said. "I sing."

"He's also a beast on guitar!" Cleo said.

"Yeah, but I only sing in the band." He said.

I looked down at his leg which was metal. I didn't want to ask in case something tragic happened but he caught me looking.

"Oh, I had to get this guy amputated in the service." He said.

I looked at him confused.

"I joined right out of high school but had to get my right leg amputated after an accident." He said.

"Wow." Was the only thing I could say.

"Yeah." He laughed. "It's not too bad. I adjusted pretty quickly."

"That's cool." I said, very intrigued by his fake leg.

Another man entered the room who looked identical to Tyler except with all of his limbs. I had to do a double take. Cleo and the others just laughed and the man who just entered smiled.

"That's my twin, Colt." Tyler said.

"There's two?!"

The major difference between Tyler and Colt is that Tyler is missing his leg and has way more tattoos than his brother. Tyler also has blue and black hair. Colt has just black hair.

Tyler was kinda muscular but slim at the same time. He had full sleeves of tattoos and I think a tattoo on his chest from what I could see. He had his lip, nose, and tongue pierced along with stretched ears. He had medium-short length emo hair that was black with blue bangs and had one blue eye and one purple eye. The right side of his head was shaved and he had glasses.

Colt on the other hand had very little tattoos and shortish black hair. He had two blue eyes. He also had his lip and nose pierced and stretched ears but smaller than Tyler's, about a 2 gauge. Tyler had at least a 0 or 00 gauge. Colt was less muscular than his brother but still slim.

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