The Outsiders preference

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Dating him...

●him reading stories/books to you
●going to the movie house or Nightly Double together
●taking up for him when Darry yells at him
●his brothers loving you
●running/walking with him
●going to his track meets
●him always writing you the cutest poems
●you two hold hands with intertwining your fingers

●him opening up to you
●protecting him from his parents (letting him sleepover)
●watching stars in the lot together
●him telling you how lucky he is to have you
●climbing the jungle gym in the park together
●he gives you flowers and candy
●you styling his hair and playing with it for the fun of it
●he takes up for you no matter what, even if he's scared
●hand holding

●you being his first serious girlfriend
●getting into disagreements, but he always apologizes to you
●the gang teasing him about you making him "soft"
●him fighting someone when they say something about you
●when you two sleep, he always has one of his arms wrapped around your waist tightly
●sometimes he'll say your name in his sleep followed by something like "I love you so much, what did I ever do to deserve you, I'm a bad guy"
●him letting you wear his coat when you're cold
●hes surprisingly passionate (oh yeah ;)
hes protective

●getting jealous of all the girls that flirt with him, him assuring you that he only loves you
●dancing to Elvis together when you're alone
●going to drag races with him, Steve, and Evie
●making him chocolate cake when Darry or himself don't feel like it
●hanging out with him at his DX shift
●having a good relationship with Pony and Darry

●when he takes you for a ride, he likes going very fast to scare you
●you watching him fix up cars
●you feeding him chocolate cake
●he's rough (if you catch my drift) ;)
●him giving you piggy back rides
●you feeling his muscles
●him always telling you that you're a looker and you're "gorgeous"
●hes protective of you and territorial

●giving him back rubs after he comes home from work
●cooking him dinner
●him having a soft spot for you
●he takes you out whenever he doesn't have to work
●you worrying about him
●you feeling his muscles
●him unwinding with you

●calling him his real name; Keith; when he makes you mad
●pulling pranks on each other
●calling him Two-Butt as a joke
●feeding him chocolate cake
●watching Mickey Mouse together, although you joke with him and say you like Mighty Mouse better
●helping him when he gets drunk
●his mom and sister love you

●worrying about him fighting
●being close friends with his sister, Angela
●he is sweet towards you
●sneaks in your room at night by your window
●riding around with him and Curly

●liking his earring
●yelling at him when he causes fights
●Angela ratting on him to you when he does something bad, knowing how serious your relationship is
●he tells you "you're my girl and only mine"

A/N: I tried making these the best I could. Sorry if some don't have as many as others.

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