Chapter 39: College Signing

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Kayla's POV

The date is May 6th, 2017.

February 1, 2017. 

This was the first day that all soccer players were allowed to sign their Letter of Intent or committing to a certain college to play a sport.

April 12th, 2016.

This was the first day that all basketball players were allowed to sign their Letter of Intent.

May 17th, 2017.

This is the last day that any basketball player committing to a Division 1 school (all the top schools in sports) was allowed to commit to the school for that sport.

August 1st, 2017. 

This is the last day any soccer player was allowed to sign their Letter of Intent for any school, whether it be Division 1, 2, or 3.

It didn't make any sense that basketball players had less time to decide...okay they have an early period but Christy didn't commit to any colleges and needed more time. The early period was during the season anyways.

I knew I was going to go to a Division 1 school for soccer, but most of the schools were out of California and I didn't know if I wanted to leave the state for soccer.

The top school in soccer currently was in Virginia and they're not necessarily the most gay-friendly place.

The two options in California: UCLA or Stanford. 

I had plenty of time to think about it so I was not worried about it at all.

Christy on the other hand, was completely stressing out about making a choice. She had offers from nearly all 25 top schools in basketball.

She had a full ride to UConn, the top school in basketball for the past three years. She didn't want to leave California either. Which leaves her also with UCLA and Stanford as her only two options.

We both had full ride scholarships to it so if we were to do long distance, we could use the money we saved up for college to pay for the flights and rides.

Senior year was absolutely amazing.

Christy had an undefeated season and won the championship and state championship. 

I did not have an undefeated season but we also won the the championship and state championship. 

We were definitely the power couple of the school. 

We went to prom together and we wore matching dresses. We didn't wear black like we planned, but we wore a silky blue.

Honestly after we spent that summer in LA together, things were going strong as ever. We had a healthy relationship and my family finally started to accept Kayla more and be less...aggressive around her

Now it was Saturday and Christy was over with all her pamphlets of the college who offered her scholarships. They were all spread out over my bed as she laid on my chest. 

"How about Ohio State?" I suggested, picking up the pamphlets.

"Ugh no, I hate Ohio. Cross them off my list." Christy made a face as she sat up. "Okay, how many schools have I crossed off the list?"

I picked up Christy's messy list and started reading off it, "No to South Carolina, Notre Dame, Maryland, Ohio, Louisville, Kentucky, Arizona, Mississippi, Tennessee, Oklahoma, and Virginia." 

"What schools are a possibility?" She laid back onto the bed.

"UConn, Oregon, Baylor, Texas A&M, Washington, Stanford, Florida, UCLA, Michigan, Miami, and Texas." 

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