Chapter 12: The After Party

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Kayla's POV

I just needed to get out of the party and go to somewhere more private with Christy. I wasn't drunk but I wasn't buzzed either. I was probably borderline tipsy so that's why I called the uber since I'm not risking driving under the influence.

We walked outside the house to see the car already waiting for us. I opened the door for her and she got in.

"Hello! Where to?" said the lady in the driver's seat.

"2nd and Pine Street please."

She nodded and drove off and Christy laid her head on my shoulder and I wrapped an arm around her.

"You okay there babe?" I asked while brushing a strand of hair out of her face.

"I'm just a bit tipsy Kay." She said while placing her hand on my lower stomach.

"Partied a little too hard?" Said the driver while at a red light.

"Well maybe she did but I'm fine. She only had a few drinks but I guess she's not used to it yet."

"Hopefully she doesn't have a killer hangover tomorrow. Get some bread into her before she sleeps so it'll soak up some of the booze. Trust me I partied hard in college."

"Thank you for the advice and ride madam!" I looked out and saw were were in front of my house. I woke up Christy and we went into my house. I told her to meet in my room while I went into the kitchen to grab her some bread and water.

When I got up to my room I saw a naked Christy lying there on my bed. Well not necessarily naked naked but she took off her v neck and pants and she was just in her bra and underwear. I placed the glass of water on the nightstand and walked up to her.

"Here eat this." I said while trying ignoring the fact that Christy was naked and brought the piece of bread up to her mouth.

She took a bite of it before she grabbed the piece of bread and held it up to me.

"You should eat some too, you drank a lot too," she said with a mouthful of bread.

I smiled at her and took a bite of the bread and she put the rest into her mouth.

After she finished chewing she laid down onto my bed and looked at me for a while before speaking. "Why are you wearing clothes?"

I laughed at her question, "Why aren't you wearing clothes?"

"Because it's hotttt. Take off your clothes and come here Kay."

I laughed at her request but did it anyways. I wasn't going to let us do anything too soon since I was the sober one and there's no way I'm going to take advantage of a drunk Christy. I climbed into bed and immediately was attacked by Christy with kisses. Damn this girl got affectionate when she's drunk. I got to make a mental note of that.

After she stopped kissing me she just rested her head on my chest and I wrapped my arm around her. Everything was quiet and peaceful and the sound of her breathing filled the room. I could definitely get used to this.

As Christy dozed off to sleep on my chest, I started thinking about about Jesse. Jesse and I had been basically fuck buddies for 3 months before I developed feelings and he wanted to cut it off. I was upset that he cut it off right after I told him but maybe it was for my own good. I thought about how Jesse and I acted like a couple even though we weren't. After we had sex we would lay in his bed and watch Netflix, order food, and cuddle until one of us had to go. Plus Jesse was the captain of the boys' soccer team and I was the captain of the girls' soccer team, won't we make a banging couple? He was always so sweet to me until that day where I told him about my feelings.

Crossroads (Lesbian Stories)(gxg)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin