Chapter 13: Pre-date Shenanigans

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Christy's POV

"Christy can you stop twitching your face for like 30 seconds??" Steph said as I made a face as she applied more of what appeared to be skin colored paint on my face. Katelyn was trying to curl my hair but was having a hard time since apparently I could not sit still.

They have been at this "makeup" thing for about two hours now. They spent a good 30 minutes deciding what they should do to my face. They decided to go with red lipsticks, drawing in my eyebrows, fake eyelashes and what they called "contouring". Don't even get me started on how they freaking plucked my eyebrows to make them "more nice". Like what?? They're just eyebrows?? It doesn't help that Maddie chose a fucking skin tight dress that stopped mid-thigh and squeezed me in places that I totally did not want to be squeezed. At least the thing was black. Now she was off somewhere finding some shoes that matched my dress. I hope to god that she doesn't come back with some 4 inch heels because no.

"Christy I'm almost done curling your hair, can you please sit still just for a minute while I finish this? Katelyn asked as she faced me, holding the curling iron as if it was a weapon. She probably wouldn't be afraid to smash me with it after giving her so much trouble for the past hour.

"Okay okay." I said as I sat up and held my position.

Steph took this time to put on my eyelashes which honestly I don't even know what the hell to do if they fell off or how they're going to come off. Remind me to never agree to give them permission to dress me up for a date again.

"There we go! With 30 minutes to spare too! Good job babe!" Steph said as she high fived her girlfriend and gave her a kiss.

I sat up for the first time in two hours. Sitting on a chair for that long really hurts your ass

"Wait wait wait! Apply this to her." Maddie said as she came into the room holding a bottle of something and a shoe box.

"What is it?" I asked as I sat back down again.

"It's setting spray. So when Kayla is fucking the shit out of you, your makeup won't come off and smear and look like a girl who just got dumped by her girlfriend." She said while applying it on me.

"Okay okay I honestly don't think I need this." I said while slightly pushing Maddie's arm away.

"Put it on her. Just in case." Steph said as she started putting the makeup away.

"What shoes did you get?" I asked while standing up.

"Okay I didn't want to go all out and make you fall on your face right before Kayla kisses you so I got these cute 1 inch heels." Maddie said while reaching for the box.

"Okay bring them here." I put them on and started wobbling but quickly got the hang of it.

"Okay how do I look?" I asked them three while putting my hands on my hips.

"Like you're about to make Kayla fall in love with you." Katelyn said excitedly.

"Not like the Christy I know but I like it." Steph said with a chuckle.

"Like a hooker!" Maddie said with a grin.

"Great just what I was going for." I said as I checked my phone.

Kayla's POV

"So you got a date with Christy Johnson huh? The Christy Johnson who is also the school's basketball star and hasn't dated anyone since freshmen year?" My best friend Diana said as I applied eyeliner.

"Yep. I got a good feeling about her and I really hope we can become something more." I said as I looked to see if my eyeliner was even.

"You're finally over Jesse? Like 100%?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Wait what the fuck? You're not completely over him?" Diana said while sitting up from my bed. Of course she could detect a lie, we've been friends since kindergarten.

"Okay the feelings are so small it probably doesn't even matter! Also he asked me on a date yesterday at the party while I was with Christy." I said as I applied lipstick.

"And?! Tell me you didn't say yes."

"I didn't! Well, I said I didn't know and not now." I said as I dabbed my lips with a tissue to get excess lipstick off.

"Okay you better make up your mind or else you'll hurt one of them or worse, yourself. And also I heard that Christy dated someone in freshmen year and they cheated on her and it messed her up so bad that what you have with her now, is the closest thing she's had to a relationship since then. If you screw her over, you'll never get her back."

I rolled my eyes at her. "I know what I want Diana, I'm not a child. And who could not want me? I mean look at me! I'm fucking hot." I said as I got up and walked in front of the mirror. I was wearing a strapless red dress that exposed part of my back. I had make up that brought out my facial features and I was planning on wearing some cute high heels to complete the outfit.

"I'm just warning you." Diana said in a low voice.

I walked up to her and put my hands on her shoulders. "Don't worry Diana, I won't screw this one up I promise. She's too good to lose.

Diana smiled and started walking out of my room. "Come on, you got a girl to win over."

I smiled and held up a pair of car keys, "My dad is letting me take his BMW out for this date too."

"Christy is going to blown away by this date."

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