Chapter 22: Betrayal

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Christy's POV

"Are you sure that you absolutely have to go to the doctor's today? You can't make another appointment?" Kayla said as she pouted her lips slightly.

"Yeah I'm sorry babe I totally forgot about this dentist appointment. But believe me babe, if I could go to your game I totally would." I said while grabbing her hand and began walking her to class.

"It won't be the same without my girl cheering me on in the stands. I mean I probably won't play as well cause I don't got anyone to impress." She pulled me closer and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Just pretend I'm there, you could visit me after your game too. So you'll get a reward from me if you do well." I whispered into her ear.

She suddenly got really excited. "I'm going to score a hat trick just watch babe!"

"Okay don't get too cocky on me now."

"Oh but you love it as much as you hate it cause it's me."

I rolled my eyes because it was true. I hated cockiness in other people but when Kayla did it to me it was just so damn attractive. How her eyebrow goes up a little and that little devilish smirk of hers drove me crazy. I looked at her and really took it in. We've been together for about 3 months now, which is about like 8 months in lesbian years.

But truth be told I was head over heels for her and I hope she's head over heels for me also. I loved everything about her, even the fact that she would bite her nails and take up 3/4 of the bed whenever I slept over. The best part was she got along with my friends and family.

Steph used to play soccer in high school and so did Katelyn so they bond over that and when they come over, they just play FIFA. There was a day where I invited Kayla to come over so we could watch Netflix and chill but no, they played FIFA the entire 3 hours she was there. At she she let me lay on her lap for a bit but once she started losing, she told me to get off.

I looked at her now and she was wearing a maroon skirt with a dressy top. She always liked to dress up for the games and she never failed to look good. Me on the other hand, I was wearing a black baseball jersey with black ripped jeans and a white v neck. I was wearing a dog tag and a gold watch. Damn we were literally the complete opposites. Guess opposites do attract.

We reached her classroom and I gave her a kiss and said bye before leaving for my next class. Suddenly I saw Natalie in the hallway. She was one of my basketball teammates but she also played soccer with Kayla and she was helping me out with my plan to ask Kayla to the dance. So basically boat dance is a dance on a boat, yeah kind of self explanatory but we get to go out on a ship in the middle of San Francisco Bay at night under the Golden Gate Bridge and overlooking the city and it was a pretty great dance. I was going to surprise her at her soccer game today. I had it all planned out and even had some of the soccer girls help me after the game, Natalie being my most reliable one.

"Hey! Here are my car keys so you drive off and go buy the stuff." She said as she handed me her keys. "Take care of my car, it's my baby."

"Don't worry I won't get a mark on her."

"You better not."

"Okay so after the game you and Parker are going to be hiding out with me in behind your car. We'll surprise her afterward in the parking lot because she thinks that I won't be able to go to the game today. Then I'll show up with Chipotle, roses, and that poster." I said in a quiet voice.

"Yes sounds perfect! Parker even said she'd help record which is great. Oh my god I can't wait. You guys are such a cute couple I wish I had a boy to treat me the way you guys treat me." She said with a hint of jealously.

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