Chapter 32: Forgetting Her

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Natalie's POV

When you think of a first date, you're usually going out to the movies or going out to dinner. 

Sophia had other ideas.

We were at a beach and she had brought her dogs along with her.

Best. Date Ever.

We were playing with the dogs and enjoying the time we spent together.

After an hour of playing with her dogs, we took some down time and laid on our towels for awhile.

"So what school do you go to?" Sophia asked while laying on the towel and looking at the sky.


Sophia sat up and took off her sunglasses. "No way, me too!" 

"Really? I never see you around school!" 

"Well I'm a sophomore and I leave right after school cause I volunteer at this animal shelter." Sophia explained.

"Oh that explains it, I wouldn't have missed such a pretty face like yours." 

Sophia blushed and looked down. She was cute. Very cute. Maybe cuter than Christy if I got to know her better.

"I'm a junior. Do you do any school activities?" 

"Nah not really. I'm not really school spirited." Sophia said with a small laugh. "How about you?"

"I play basketball and soccer for the school."

"Well that explains your hot body." Sophia blurted out. She stared at me and then realized what she said and started turning red. "Oh shit that's not what I meant I-"

I laughed at her comment. "No worries Sophia. I know what you meant. I'll gladly take the compliment." 

"Honestly when I saw you I didn't think you were gay. You're like too gorgeous to be gay." Sophia said with a giggle.

 "Well, I actually don't know if I'm gay." I said in a slightly panicked tone.

Sophia's face suddenly dropped. "Oh you don't know? Well this is awkward."

"I'm still interested in you though. It doesn't change anything that this is our first date." I said reassuringly. 

"Okay but what if you decide later that you don't like girls? I don't just want to be an experiment to you." 

"I can't promise that that'll happen though. Could you just give me a chance, Sophia?"

There was a silence for a moment as Sophia thought about what I said. "Give me some time and I'll get back to you about it. However we are finishing this date." She said with a smile.


phia had the softest smile ever. It was like a little smile but it was probably the cutest smile ever. 

"Well come on now, let's get something to eat then. Dane! Bex! Come on let's go!" 

The dogs sprinted over next to us, well Dane got here quickly but Bex, the chubby little corgi, took a little longer because of his shorter legs.

Sophia put the leases on them and then handed me Dane's leash and we started walking toward the hub, where all the restaurants were along the beach.

"Dane is an extremely energetic dog huh?" I said while slightly pulling his lease back since he was trying to run away.

"Yep, he's just full of energy. At the end of the day, Dane will crash out and there is no way you can wake that dog up. It's worse when he falls asleep on my bed.

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