Chapter 4: One Hell of a Girl

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Christy's POV

I was completely starving after the game as I usually am. I was grateful Kayla was taking me out for burgers although I have been noticing her increasingly odd behavior.

Right now, we were sitting in Kayla's car in comfortable silence while music played in the background. We pulled up to the diner and I walked out. Before we entered the the diner Kayla stopped to take a good look at me and giggled.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"You are like the definition of what 'ball is life' is right now," Kayla said with a slight giggle.

I looked down and she was right. I was wearing my warm up jacket over my jersey which was untucked so the jersey was a little bit longer than my jacket. On the back of the jacket it read 'Lady Rebels Basketball'. I was still wearing my basketball shorts and I had black and blue elites on and my Nike slides.

I chuckled at her statement. "Sorry do you want me to change or put on sweats or something?" I asked a bit annoyed.

"No! No! It looks quite cute on you actually." Kayla said with a blush.

"Oh. Well thanks." I said softly. I felt my cheeks reddening and I looked down, not wanting Kayla to see my reddening face.

"Come on, let's eat!" Kayla said while grabbing my arm and pulling me toward the diner. Our hands intertwined and we ended up holding hands as we entered the diner. Kayla of course, found the need to open the door for me again.

We got in and got seated. Right away, a waiter came and handed up some menus.

I took a good look at the menu and was amazed at all the burgers this place offered.

"Can I start you two off with a few drinks?"

"I'll have a iced tea." Kayla said.

The waiter nodded and turned toward me. "And how about for the cutie right here?"

I shifted in my seat uncomfortably at his attempt to flirt. "Uh I'll just have a lemonade." I said without looking up from my menu.

He left to go get our drinks and I looked up and saw Kayla was basically red from anger.

"How dare he try to flirt with you like that?! Oh that is so fuckin disrespectful I could just-"

"Kayla don't worry about it. I'm sure it was only a one time thing."

Kayla calmed down a bit and nodded as she looked through the menu.

The waiter came back with our drinks and asked us what we wanted to order.

"I'll have a Philly Cheese steak." Kayla said while putting her menu down.

"And I'll have a bacon cheeseburger."

"Be back with your orders soon." He said as he gave me a wink.

Kayla was really mad. She was turning red and she had her arms crossed.

"I can't believe he's being so disrespectful and flirting with you on the job. And you're way out of his league anyways. What does he think deserving someone like you? Like damn you deserve the world and he isn't even close to what you deserve. Some snotty guy flirting with you on the line." Kayla ranted.

"Kayla it's fine. He's probably not even flirting. Maybe you're overreacting and he's just being friendly." I assured her.

Kayla seemed to calm down a little and she nodded while taking a long sip of her iced tea. I didn't understand why Kayla was so upset by that guy potentially be flirting with me.

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