Chapter 31: A Taste of Two

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Natalie's POV

I was out with Christy since we were grabbing food and going to catch up on things. We were at a small Japanese restaurant waiting for our sushi to come out.

Christy was wearing a black tank top with a black zip of hoodie over it. Christy's dark hair and dark eyes seemed lighter since the sunlight was directly shinning onto her, making it look like she was glowing.

In truth, I really did like Christy. I have for a while now, but she has been in a relationship with Kayla so I attempted to push away all the feelings since I didn't want to intervene with their relationship. However Christy was single now but I still don't want to intervene. Christy is so vulnerable right now since she is hurting; I should not take advantage of the situation and attempt to make her mine, it just isn't right. When the right time comes, I'll make my move but for now, I'll just be her supportive friend.

"So how have you been, Nat?" Christy said, breaking me out of my train of thought.

"Oh I'm good. You know the usual soccer and school stuff. How about you?"

"Oh you know, just hanging on." She said with a small smile.

"How are you and Kayla?" I asked softly.

"We're friends, I still have feelings for her but I don't know if I want to act on them." 

I shuffled in my seat uncomfortably for a moment. "I'll support you no matter what decision you make."

Christy gave me a wide smile and placed her hand on top of me. "You're always here for me, I cannot thank you enough for that. You mean so much to me and you're a great friend. Enough about me, how's your love life? Finally accept the fact you're gay yet?"

"Well I thought about it and..."

"And?" She leaned closer to me.

"I think I may be into girls."

"Yes!" Christy threw her hands up in the air. "I finally have another gay buddy. I'll hook you up with this real nice girl. She plays basketball also, she'll love you."

Oh great she was setting me up with someone. Oh well maybe it'll be good, maybe I'll like her and forget about the feelings I have for Christy.

"Oh! And did I tell you that I kind of want to start a band?" Christy excitedly told me.

I was taken back by her comment and I didn't know what to say for a moment. "A band?! I didn't know you were into music like that. What would you play in the band?"

"I know but it's always been a small dream of mine to play in a band. I'm sure I can do both basketball and be in a band." Christy said proudly. "Also, I would sing."

"Damn I see you. What type of music do you want to sing?" I asked curiously, this was a side of Christy I had never seen before.

"Pop punk for sure or pop rock."

"Have you got any members yet?" 

"Uh well I met these three guys at this concert I was at a few weeks ago. They were interested but I haven't texted them about anything yet."

"What instruments do they play?"

"Bass, guitar, and drums."

I let out a laugh. "Christy you got the whole band right there already!"

"I know I know. But we're missing stuff like a manager and-"

I placed my hand on top of hers to calm her down. "It'll be fine Christy. I'll give you a hand if you need someone to help you with behind the scenes stuff."

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