Chapter 40: Same Book But Never The Same Page

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Christy's POV

I was pretty upset about the fight Kayla and I had. We never really fought at this level before, but honestly it was the worse fight I ever been in. I love Kayla with all I am and it honestly hurt me so much that we fought at that level and how to future was unclear for us to that extent. 

I obviously saw myself in the future with Kayla and because of this fight, that future might be completely different now. I never really thought about the fact that college could literally split us apart.

It almost broke me when Kayla and I walked away from each other that night. We didn't break it off, which was good. However we didn't end the night on the good note, and we both went to sleep upset which was terrible since I kept imagining Kayla laying in her bed alone and upset. 

I understood Kayla's worries and why she wanted us to try to go to the same college. I just don't think that I would be willing to give up a full ride scholarships for her. If she really loved me, she would want that for me, right?

I was determined to fix everything and make everything right today. I wanted to hear what she has to say about this then she could hear what I have to say about it and then we could have a compromise on it. Hopefully, we will end up better than ever.

By the time I got up, it was already 10 so I decided to borrow the car and swing by her place to fix it right away. That way, we could spend the rest of the day together doing whatever.

First, I headed off the Chipotle and ordered for both of us. 

I decided to get Chipotle since it was what we ate during our first "real" date. Hopefully it would remind her of the time when we first kissed and went on a hike together.

Then I drove to the florist and got her red roses. She got me a rose when we went on our first "fancy" date. 

Next to the florist was a candy shop. I decided to go in and buy some movie theater candy to remind her of the time we had sex at the movies. Sure it was a taboo, but it was fun and exciting for both of us.

God I hope she would love these gifts since they have so much meaning embedded into each and every one of them. I also wanted to create some happy vibes between us before we discussed such  a heavy topic.

I made the extra step of writing the memory on a post it and sticking it to each gift.

I couldn't wait to see the smile on her face when she sees that I got all this stuff for her. I love spoiling Kayla.

I drove up to Kayla's house and I was surprised to see another car parked in her driveway next to hers. Weird. I decided to just park in the street.

I put everything into a paper bag and held the roses with my other hand. I walked up to the door and knocked.

It was kind of our thing, we never really rang the doorbell, we knocked instead. I guess it's our way of telling each other that we were around.

Surprisingly, Steven, Kayla's older brother answered the door. 

"Oh hey!" I said, slightly shocked to see him.

"Hey. You're Kayla's friend right?" He asked.

"Yeah I am."

"Alright. Kayla is up in her room. I'm guessing you already know your way?" He said and stepped aside, signaling me to come in.

"Yes I do. Thank you! Nice seeing you." I said politely before walking toward Kayla's room.

Kayla's door was closed, but I heard noises so I assumed she was awake and decided to walk right in.

Big mistake.

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