Chapter 30: Small Steps

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Christy's POV

That following Monday, I decided to bring Kayla some food as a thank you for letting me stay over her house.

When she saw me standing by her locker, her face lit up.

"Hello there, what brings you here?" Kayla said with a wide smile.

"I brought you a breakfast sandwich and a caramel macchiato as a way of saying thank you for letting me stay over at your place this weekend." I said as I held up the bag and handed her the cup of coffee.

"Non fat milk?" Kayla said as she raised an eyebrow.

"Of course. I still know your order." I said while rolling my eyes.

"You know you didn't have to do this? Like seriously, it was nothing."

"It's just a gesture of courtesy."

Kayla took out the sandwich and brought it down to my mouth. "Want a bite?"

I took a bite out of the sandwich and Kayla started eating it. "I gotta get going to class but do you want to grab lunch?"

"That'd be great. I'll see you then." I said with a smile and walked away.

The second I walked into class, my friend pulled me aside. "You and Kayla are back together?!" Lindsey said.

Lindsey sort of left a bitter taste in my mouth after what she said about Kayla being bisexual and how that might have an effect on our relationship before we started dating but now that it did come true, I wasn't so bitter toward her

"No we aren't. What makes you ask that?"

"Well apparently someone saw you talking to her and-"

"Wait so just because I talked to Kayla means we're back together again?" I ask while making a face at her.

"Oh yeah well I didn't think about it like that..." Lindsey said while looking away, obviously embarrassed.

When I got to fourth period, I went straight to my desk where Kayla was already sitting and sat down in my seat. "Did you hear people making rumors that we were back together?" I asked while taking out my binder from my backpack.

"Wow that was quick. We were probably talking for a solid 3 minutes and someone already made a rumor for that?" Kayla said with a laugh.

"You know how stuff travels around in this school." I said while leaning back on my chair, annoyed that people in my school were so nosy.

"Well let them believe it so you'll be considered off the market." Kayla said with a wink.

"Because that's totally a good idea."

"It is, it'll get people off you and people to stop hitting on you and me"

"People are hitting on you?" I said in a slightly jealous tone.

Kayla must've noticed because she smirked a little before replying. "Yes just a few but don't worry I turned them down."

"Then why'd you go to boat with Jesse." I asked in a serious tone.

"Christy I-"

The bell signaling the start of class rang, cutting her off. Mr. Curtain began the lesson right away so there was no time for explanation.

During some point in class, Mr. Curtain assigned partner work so Kayla seized that opportunity to explain to me what happened.

"I don't know what came over me, it was like I was speaking to him, but I wasn't the one talking. I didn't want to go with him, I never wanted to cheat with him either, it was like I couldn't control what my body was doing." Kayla explained.

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