Chapter 29: Picking Up The Pieces

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Kayla's POV

I skipped dinner last night. I just didn't feel like eating and Margaret said she was going to leave something on the counter before she left for the weekend. Now it was Saturday morning and it was still pouring outside.

I walked downstairs into the kitchen to see Christy making a pot of oatmeal. She looked at me when I came into the kitchen.

"Good morning. I hope you don't mind but I started making breakfast."

"I don't mind." I slid into a chair that was in front of the counter. "You slept well?"

Christy nodded as she stirred the pot of oatmeal. "There's supposed to be flooding in parts of the city today. Do you have any plans? I can always find something to do while you're out cause-"

"I don't have any plans, I just planned to stay in. Did you have plans?" I got up and got the bowls from the cabinet.

"No I didn't. I just didn't want to be a hassle or in the way of you."

"Christy you're never a hassle or in the way of me. You're always welcome to stay here." I placed the bowls on the counter.

Christy picked up the pot and poured the oatmeal into the bowls. Even though we weren't together anymore, we still acted like we were together. We still worked like we were still together, still able to work efficiently as a team without saying anything.

Christy sat on the seat and sprinkled cinnamon on top of her oatmeal. "Thanks again for letting me stay here."

I gave her a small smile. "No problem."

"So you guys are in the playoffs now? Two more games till the 'ship?" Christy asked as she took a scoop of her oatmeal.

"Yeah, we still got a long way to go though."

"You guys will do great. I'll be at the championship game for sure." Christy gave me a smile and I swear my heart melted.

I smiled back at her. "Oh yeah I still have some of your clothes. They're upstairs and I can give them to you after we eat."

We finished our oatmeal and headed upstairs to my room. I walked over to the closet because I have started to pack Christy's clothes but not all of them.

I pulled out a box which had some of her clothes. I see her standing by my desk, looking above it at the bulletin which held a bunch of photos we had together. It was full of Polaroids, ticket stubs, and love notes.

I walked over to her and she turned around and faced me. "You never took down the photos." She said softly as she looked up at me. Oh god I missed those soft brown eyes so much.

I hung my head down in embarrassment. I haven't had the heart to remove it. The board was literally a collage of our relationship. It had tons of photos of us kissing and hugging and it was just not appropriate since our relationship was so different now.

"Uh yeah, I just haven't gotten around to taking it down." I said while turning red.

"Don't be embarrassed, it's completely understandable." She said and she gave me a reassuring smile.

We were honestly so close to her. I could feel her breath on mine and if I just leaned a bit forward, I could kiss her. Oh god did I miss her lips. Her soft, delicate kisses and her rough, sloppy kisses were to die for.

"Oh you have my stuff!" She said, breaking me out of my trance to her lips.

"Yeah, some of your clothes. I still have to look for the other ones. Sorry about that."

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