Chapter 26: A Thousand Ways to Say 'I Love You'

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Kayla's POV

It was a hot spring day and I was NOT feeling it at all today. I was pissed off that girls were getting dress coded for wearing clothes appropriate for the 90 degree weather but guys not getting dress coded for wearing their pants all the way to their knees, exposing their dirty underwear. In addition, most of the guys have taken off their shirts and the administration hasn't even done anything.

I had just taken a class last period in an extremely stuffy room and the teacher refused to allow us to open some windows. There was no air conditioning or fan in the room so basically we were taking a test in a sauna.

It was passing period right now and I stopped by my locker to grab some books. Someone came up to me and leaned against the locker, trying to act cool.

"Hey there babe you look great today."

I looked up and saw it was Lucas, one of those asshole soccer players who was also friends with Jesse. The same Lucas that Christy almost fought at the party.

"I'm not your babe." I said while looking into my locker again, wanting him to leave.

"Come on baby don't be like that. Come on let's get lunch together today." He said while stepping closer to me.

"I have to go to a meeting so I can't." I told him while rolling my eyes.

"Well then come see me after we have soccer practice. We can have another work out together." He said while licking his lips.

"Listen Danny I don't want anything with you." I told him coldly, I wasn't in the mood for anyone's shit today.

"Well a girl who wears shorts that short is always asking for it." He said as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

I pushed him away from me. "Piss off, asshole."

"Come on baby I know you want some of this." Lucas said while grabbing his junk. "I can make you feel waaaay better than that dyke did."

"You know if you're going to talk shit about me behind my back, you should say shit that's actually believable." A voice said.

We both turned around and see Christy standing there with her arms crossed looking at both of us.

"Oh what would you know you nasty dyke? Kayla here missed dick, that's why she cheated on you. Can't pleasure a woman without one of these." Lucas said while patting his dick once again. "You know you should try it sometime with me. I could change you."

There was a crowd that started forming around us.

"No thanks, I think my fingers are longer than that backwards tail of yours that you call a dick. Why don't you leave Kayla alone and stop harassing her?" Christy said as she placed her hands on her hips.

"Yeah? Or what? Just cause no one wants your nasty ass faggot pussy doesn't mean you have to be all butt hurt about it." Lucas sneered.

"I'm not butthurt, just stop harassing her and I'll leave." Christy demanded.

"You're just jealous cause you don't have this anymore." Lucas said as he smacked my butt.

Christy, without missing a beat, sucker punched him in the face and he fell to the ground.

He quickly got up and lunged for her. "You fucking bitch. You're dead dyke!" He tackled Christy to the ground and saw Lucas punch Christy in the face.I ran toward them and started to break them up. Security guards ran to us and broke up the fight. They both had to be restrained by the guards.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" One of them shouted.

"Lucas was harassing Kayla." Christy said loudly so everyone would hear.

Crossroads (Lesbian Stories)(gxg)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें