Chapter 27: Downs and Ups

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Kayla's POV

I decided to go to the dance with Jesse since he told me relaxing with him for a bit would take my mind off the break up and to let loose and have some fun. Bad mistake because everyone assumed we were a couple and there was a bunch of pointing and whispering whenever we walked past them.

"Well if that's what the people want, shouldn't we give it to them?" Jesse said while pulling me closer by the waist.

"Jesse could you please stop?" I said while breaking off the body contact he initiated. "I told you I don't want to be with you like that."

Jesse backed away from me but still had a cocky smile on his face. "Don't worry babe, you'll be back for me." He adjusted his bow tie on the tuxedo and gestured for me to walk up the stairs to the balcony since it had been 20 minutes after the boat started moving.

Up in the balcony, the view was absolutely amazing, we were just starting to go under the Golden Gate Bridge which was dimly lit in the evening and it was so beautiful. A soft breeze blew as the slow moving boat cruised through the waters of San Francisco Bay.

"This is honestly so beautiful." I said while stepping closer to the balcony.

"Eh it's alright. If you want to see an amazing view we should go out on my family's yacht and go on a trip. What do you say?" Jesse said while grabbing my hand.

Then I see Christy and Natalie walk up to the balcony. Christy and I make eye contact for a brief second before she sees Jesse and I holding hands and she looks away and walks to the other part of the balcony. I quickly let go of his hands and pretended not to stare at Natalie. However I made sure I was standing in a position where I could talk to Jesse and keep my eye on Natalie and Christy.

Christy was wearing a black cocktail dress that exposed her back and hugged the curves of her body. She was wearing black wedges and curled her hair slightly so it was wavy. Damn did Christy look good.

Natalie on the other hand, was wearing a black button down, black jeans, grey shoes, with a white tie. A white tie?! Grey shoes?! She could've at least matched with Christy by wearing a black tie and black shoes. Shit I probably would've looked better than Natalie in a tie.

"Kayla? Did you listen to a word I said?" Jesse said while tapping on me slightly, breaking me out of my train of thought.

"Um sorry I was thinking about something. What did you say?" I said in an unapologetic tone.

"I asked you if you wanted to grab something to eat after the dance. You know like some Denny's or IHOP." Jesse said a bit annoyed.

"Oh yeah sure."

Suddenly, Christy's laugh filled the air. It wasn't like those small giggles you get when someone tells you a small joke but like a genuine laugh full of happiness. The laugh that I haven't heard in ages. Then she smiled her signature wide smile that I haven't seen in a long time.

It broke my heart to see someone else making Christy laugh and smile the way I made her smile and laugh. Maybe I deserve it though, I did cheat on her. But I want her back so badly.

I looked away from them and drew my attention back on Jesse. "I heard they have a chocolate fountain downstairs. Let's go check it out." I grabbed his hand and walked down the stairs to the main dance floor and into the smaller room where the food was.

Jesse dipped a strawberry into the fountain and then brought it up to my mouth. He placed it in my mouth but it didn't have the same excitement or romantic feelings I got when Christy did it.

"Let's go take a photo together." Jesse said while walking toward the photo area where people were taking photos with their date.

Surprisingly, there was no one there so there was no line, except for the couple that was currently taking their photo. That couple was Natalie and Christy.

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