Chapter 21: One Month

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Christy's POV

It was our one month anniversary and it kind of sucked because Kayla had her last preseason game on the same day. However I was grateful because it was a Saturday morning game at 11 so at least we would have the afternoon and night to ourselves.

The game was actually a really good game, it was a tie game until the 85th minute when Kayla scored a goal. I was so proud and I left up and yelled 'that's my girl!' which caused her to send a smile my way. Now the game just ended and I was waiting for their team meeting to be over so I could be with Kayla. Finally, I saw them start getting their stuff.

I walked toward Kayla and when she saw me coming toward her, she had a huge smile on her face. When I was within arms reach, she wrapped her arms around my waist, picked me up and kissed me.

When she set me down, she gave me another kiss and I decided to playfully play with her.

"Ew gross you're all sweaty." I said while pushing her away from me slowly.

"Aw you don't want any of this?" Kayla pulled me into her and wrapped my arms around me. She then wiped some of her sweat that was on her head on me.

"Oh my god, GROSS." I shoved her away and wiped her sweat off me.

"Aw but you love me baby." She leaned in and kissed me before pulling away and smiling at me.

"You guys are disgusting," a voice said.

We turned around and saw Natalie standing there. We were both pretty close with Natalie since she played both soccer and basketball and she was always making fun of us, in a loving way of course.

"Nat there's no reason to be jealous." I said as I planted another kiss on Kayla's lips.

"You're love sick, Johnson." She said while walking away from the bench.

"Come on babe, let's get going. I've got a whole day planned for us." Kayla grabbed her soccer bag in one hand and my hand with the other.

As we walked to her car, I took a good look at Kayla. She was in her blue and white soccer uniform with her tied all the way up. Her cleats were hanging off her duffel bag and she was in shorts. She was still sweaty and her face was slightly red. Damn did she look hot right now.

I stopped her and kissed her deeply. "You look really hot right now." I told her while licking my lips slightly.

Kayla kissed me again and bit my lip teasingly. Then she gave me another soft kiss and pulled away. "Now you know how I felt during those basketball games." She said with a smirk.

"Okay but that's not fair. You're like 10x hotter and I-"

"Babe, don't ever say that again. Don't bring yourself down like that okay?"

I nodded and we hopped into Kayla's car. What I love most about car rides is that most of the time, Kayla would be holding my hand while she drove or she would place her hand on my thigh. There would also always be music playing which meant karaoke sessions in the car every time we drove together.

We were only at Kayla's house so she could shower and drop off her stuff. While she showered, I laid on her bed and played on my phone. Suddenly I was tackled from the side and Kayla was straddling me.

"Whatcha doing there, Kay?" I asked curiously with a smile.

"Oh you know just enjoying the view." She said while placing her hands on my stomach and grinning mischievously.

"Oh? Well I like this view better." I said while motioning her.

"Well I get to cop a feel though." She grabbed my breast with a smirk.

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