Chapter 28: Closure

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Christy's POV

Kayla and I have been talking again. Not like relationship wise but like friend wise. When Kayla and I were dating, she wasn't just my girlfriend, she was my best friend too. I lost my girlfriend and best friend when Kayla cheated on me. Right now, I wouldn't consider her my best friend again, but more like friends.

The wounds are still very fresh. I still trust Kayla but I don't think I would trust her with my heart again. I mean like Kayla is still a friend of mine and we can have short conversations without it getting too awkward. The tense vibe that used to constantly linger between us has diminished into something that occurs once in a while now.

But you know like every time I see Jesse in the hallway I want to punch him in the face but then again I remember that it was Kayla's fault also. I don't think I could ever forgive her. It's only been like what 3 weeks? I stopped crying over her though. I came to senses that no matter how much I cry, it wouldn't change the fact she cheated on me with Jesse.

I honestly think more about if Kayla actually loved me and meant everything she said to me. I wonder if it was all a lie. I wonder what I did wrong. I know I probably didn't do anything wrong but I just can't help to think of it.

Maybe what I need is closure. I don't know though. I never got closure from Carmen and I turned out fine. I loved Kayla with all my heart though, however I don't know if the person I loved actually existed. If it was actually real to her.

The bell rang and it brought me out of my thoughts. I got up and headed toward my locker. It was Friday and I had the house to myself since Maddie had a hockey tournament in another state or something so I had the whole house to myself for the weekend. I'm probably gonna watch Netflix all weekend and just walk around in my underwear.

As I walked out of the school, I noticed that it was raining. It was pouring buckets and there was a clap of thunder every 5 minutes or so. I reached for my umbrella that was in my backpack and I realized it wasn't there.

Fuck I gave it to Kayla to use and I never got it back. Now I have to walk home in the rain with no umbrella, great.

I put my hood up and I started walking in the rain. I could already feel droplets of water hitting my face and my jacket getting soaked with rain water. I sighed and couldn't wait to get home so I could take a long, hot shower to get the sticky feeling of rain off me. The rain was blurring my vision since the wind was blowing everywhere and I just kept walking.

Suddenly a car drove up to me and slowed down. The window rolled down and it was Kayla.

"Need a ride?" She asked as she unlocked the car door and pushed it open from the driver's seat.

I got into the car and I was literally dripping water all over her car. "Shit I'm making a mess, sorry."

"It's no problem, a little rain never hurt anything. Why didn't you call me and ask for a ride home?"

I shrugged my shoulders and looked out the window before replying. "I thought you would have soccer practice."

Kayla giggled as she stopped at the red light. "Even our coach isn't crazy enough for us to have practice in this weather."

The rest of the ride was silent. One of those tense vibes had engulfed the car ride again. Kayla pulled up in front of my house and I dug through my bag looking for my keys, but they were nowhere to be found.

"Fuck." I mumbled as I started taking everything out of my bag, searching for the keys.

"What's wrong?" Kayla asked in a concerned tone.

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