Chapter 98

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Ok everyone. Since this is Epilogue and I'm a nut, I'm going to go unorthodox and get you all in the mood.

No, not that sexual mood, in case you get confused, but you're about to skim over some pictures before the chapter starts. I mean, you need the setting in your head, I mean gosh, I always thought a palace or estate looking over the desert at sunset was beautiful. I must've seen it in Indiana Jones first and thought, yaknow, an artist like Chandler (from my book) would want that lifestyle, so I decided, Cheyenne, look up Saudi Arabia.

Guys, I don't know TOO much about that place, (I know the general but I was curious so I started looking up facts). I personally wouldn't want to live there for more reasons than one, I could be off with the way I'm portraying it concerning these pictures I've put in, but it's not entirely what I anticipated concerning the aspect of visual beauty. What I'm mainly speaking of, is the cities look amazing. (Jeddah is currently my favorite by looks alone since it's on the coast of the Red Sea. I'm gonna put it in the pics below)

But I'm showing you these photos to give a general idea of how Sage and Chandler are living, not so much part of the Arabic community mind you, but as a private lifestyle. It's fun to look at pics and won't take too much time. XD Plus if you don't give a crap, scrolling past them is easy.

Part of the reason I've explained all of this is just to put out there I'm not an expert and I'm not representing anything. I'm only taking a location and it's scenic plus architectural attributes to complete my story. XD

So enjoy.

(Obviously these pictures don't fit to a T how I envision their home, but it's close enough to enlighten your imaginations!)

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