Chapter 73

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This is an extended chapter so if you're looking for a quick read, this won't be one of them. It's not super super long but it is longer than usual, so I hope you enjoy it despite it's length!


               "Hmmm!! Chandler?" I finish stretching and hop out of bed to check my messages before peeking to see if he's in the bathroom but I guess not.

He did say he was going out today and it's nearly-sh1t, 2 o'clock?

Guess that's just me catching up on my snoozing. I was so comfortable last night too. Must've been the relaxation of being in the same bed with Chandler on top of everything else I did yesterday.

Oh boy and mom's peeved I didn't come home last night.

Honestly I don't know what happened. I was just on the couch feeling fine but before I knew it Nemo started to blur and poof. Chandler was stroking my hair, which felt so good.

He's such a fantastic boyfriend.

I'm glad he didn't wake me up, even if I'd have wanted him to, he wouldn't have done it. He's getting all the time out of this that he can.

"My head keeps, spinnin', I go to sleep and keep, grinnin'-" Dean Martin's vocals fill the living room downstairs and it's just too much thinking of all the great moments Chandler and I are going to be sharing with William, my goal to keep both of them smiling.

It must be working a little the way Will's in the kitchen making some oatmeal and coffee.

"Tell me quick! Oh ain't love a kick! In the heeeaaad! Yeaaahhh!" My boyfriend's father does something Chandler would be partially but happily embarrassed by before I clap my hands and pretend to fake cheer like a whole crowd just witnessed greatness, Will bowing his head before using the remote to turn down the volume. "Well, good winter morning Sage."

"Good winter morning William." I grin before easing my way onto the floor. "Sorry I-"

"Chandler told me everything. Don't be embarrassed."

"It's a little hard not to. I promise I just knocked out on the couch and-"

"I know." He laughs. "You don't have to explain. Besides, I hate to say it this way." William pulls out my seat and leaves in his casual dark home clothes to get me a bowl of buttered, sugared, and milked portion of cooked oats. "Chandler isn't a golden child. He's decent, but then again, not very decent."


"I'm sure you know what I mean." He gives me a spoon and cup of Joe.

"Yeah." I shift. "If you're referring to his life in Vegas?"

"I am."

"He's enlightened me. It's ok though." I stir up my food. "I just don't want to disrespect you or turn this into some sort of motel." I scoff the second I hear myself say that, William finishing up the touches of breakfast by putting down a tray of toast he gestures I can take from. "I'm such a hypocrite."

"Why? What's wrong?" Will holds up a moment.

"I know I'm not really disrespecting my parents, if I am, I'll go out on a branch and say they're also disrespecting me, I'm not trying to be a brat or demand anything, but they've said that they respected me in the past, anyway, I'm worried about upsetting you-"

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