Chapter 27

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               "Ok. You can just use my bathroom. It's got shampoo. Tropical Sea Breeze." Chandler beams while I look at it like I'm going to walk into a death trap.

Oh fvck.

He doesn't expect anything right?

We just started dating. Literally, just started not 20 minutes ago. It took me a whole week to step into Josh's house after we decided to go out, after that a day to hold hands, a week after to kiss, then making out and cuddling, then several more months when we had sex and a few days after was the break up...leading me up to right now, where I'm officially Chandler's, a guy who's 3 years younger and a person I barely know who was the reason of my LAST break up, girlfriend.

Something's wrong here. I'm not absent of it though.

On top of that, doesn't dad have issues with the Rigg's? That's what mom said.

I wonder why.

I wonder if Chandler knows anything about it.

I am determined, regardless of feelings or not, to figure this kid out. He's off and it's not just the regular kind. It's like he's genuine but there's something raw genuine hiding behind his smile. I just need to figure out what.

"I'll put your pants in the dryer after, get in? I promise I won't look! The glass is tinted dark blue anyway." Chandler's blue eyes stay on me before he side glances to the bathroom. "Actually, one second." He hurries in and starts to close the door.


"I just need to get something." He assures before shutting and I hear a rustle of drawers before it goes silent.

What's he doing in there?

"Are you sure I should use this bathroom? I can just use the guest bathroom."

"No no! This is fine! It's furbished." His voice is so deep, it's strong and makes me Safe? "Just had to make sure you didn't find anything dirty. I cleaned it but you never know. We did just move in." He gets out of the way, his slim body moving in the way that I find myself checking him out before I mentally hit myself and walk in.

"Ok well, I'll leave the pants on the toilet seat." I take a look at his bathroom.

It's been changed alot. Like...a heck of a lot.

I remember when he was younger, his wallpaper and interests were totally different.

The floor is a gold porcelain tile now, 2 fluffy brown sugar colored mats laid out in front of the 4 dark brown cabinets and drawers with rustic handles that match those neat faucet sets over those 2 white oval sinks.

There's an ivory granite looking countertop, royal blue wallpaper with designs printed in, in a slightly darker shade, very regal actually, and a wide as$ mirror that takes up a good portion of the wall over the vanity since this bathroom is a generally basic square, the toilet being straight ahead with the shower to my right, oh, Chandler's right. Blue glass. Royal blue.

It's pretty, but I can't get over the metal black mirror frame with designs hooking around everywhere.

The toilet looks very modern too, and it's...The color is...

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