Chapter 32

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               "You're sort of supposed to be crying." I feel Chandler's voice vibrate his body against mine.

"It's a little hard to." I pull back enough to see his eyes and his hair soaked before he slicks it back giving an opening to document his bold hair line and ink like strands sticking to one another. How majestic he looks even if he's not on some sort of photo shoot throne or whatever. "I did feel like crying, but now not so much."

"Because of me? In here like this?" Chan takes a minute. "Josh never took showers with you?"

"He never did much of anything with me. I keep telling you." My blushed up cheeks begin to make me feel a little dizzy along with all this steam rising up and it's always the same story. The more you try not to look at something the harder it is to do so. I keep running across his lower half without meaning to. I feel so cougar like it's terrible. "Besides, he's a totally different story. I'm talking about you. Chandler, I'm really self conscious right now." It's almost painful how embarrassing this honesty with him is, but there's just something so trustworthy at the moment, like he's earned at least that much.

Not too trustworthy though.

I'm still holding onto my breasts so he doesn't get a clear view.

"Oh fvck." Chan tiredly sighs before pressing one hand on the glass and the other on the wall. "I'm sorry. I can't stay without wanting to give in and I can't leave without surrendering."


"Stop me if you hate it, ok? Like, kick me or something." He breathes just when I find out what he's talking about, no words coming next because he's already setting me against the door, his hands pulling up my wrists to boot.

I'm not making it easy though. Just by natural reflexes I fight his will to expose my full bust like it's something to be ashamed of, but he's serious.

It's all on display while we kiss just like in the market, aggressive and sloppy readjustments that send signals of want down my stomach twisting and impacting everything on alert towards my sex.

Like a grope of persuasion.

I can feel Chandler on my stomach and it's really hard to be still given it's so hot.

It's actually a bit uncomfortable given how rigid he's become.

"Seriously." He warns again. "Claw my eyes out! Do anything! I'm not stopping on my own will this time! Help me out." Chandler's voice cracks in his begging form when I see his eyes finally look down at my body, that pear shaped anatomy of mine all his for the taking.

I don't think sex is what I want right now but I do know I don't want him to stop.

This feeling has been reaching out to him all the while I've been cutting it back.

It's not his will I'm worried about, it's mine.

"We can't go too far." I lead his palm up to cup my breast which only tenses his body up even more at the knowledge he's at least partially free if not fully.

I can literally see how hard he's breathing now because of it.

I won't delude myself. He's skilled to at least some level. He's probably done this before, but none of that is swaying me now. I want him in some way, that's all.

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