Chapter 80

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                "Ok, she's ready." The doctor puts up his tools while Reen and Logan sit in the corner of the room then stand up, both looking understandably at a loss except there's something about my childhood friend that's particularly off about this. I don't blame him. Coming home to find me like this?

Fvck, naturally it'd be like me going to him and seeing him in a state that's just simply impossible to conceive.

"Is she going to be ok?" Reen shifts and almost bites her lip but goes off the idea pretty fast.

"She'll be fine. The cuts were pretty clean and not too deep. The only reason it bled so much is because well, it's the lips, especially around here," He points at a certain spot. "And she did get a bit of that area."

"Do we need to do anything else?" Logan assumes his adult status fully and wonderfully, it almost makes me proud to see him doing so well, but in the end I wish this never happened. I don't know why it happened.

After I almost fainted, or maybe did for 3 seconds, I felt him pushing a cloth to my mouth to stop the bleeding, wet and accompanying him telling Reen to go start the car before he picked me up off the floor, my hands capable to push the rag itself on me so we could leave.

And now this.

"Yes. You can either get it tonight, or tomorrow, if you think a pharmacy is open, I think there's a 24/7 place in town." The doctor walks over to his stool, pushes it to the side of his counter with the sink and cupboards above to pull a pad out and start writing a prescription. "This cream will help keep it clean and will help prevent scarring."

Scarring? I hadn't even thought about that.

"Like I said, uh, the cuts aren't too serious, so you should come back in maybe a week and I'll take out the stitches then." He refers quite nicely, about these 3 small stitches on my bottom lip, two on the right, one on the left, and another on my top lip, left side, close to the middle. "Worse have happened and they healed beautifully, and this cream is great so you don't have to worry. It should take maybe 1 to 2 weeks for everything to go back to normal."

"That's perfect, thank you." Logan smiles and shakes the man's hand as Reen urges me to get off the patient bed, my body breaking the paper sheet that's always laid out, slipping down and feeling pretty hesitant to talk since I have pieces of suture tied into healing the lips I mutilated about an hour ago. How the heIl did I lose it so bad?

"No problem, and if you need anything else just give a call." The paper goes from one hand to another, Logan's responsible one, before we all head out, silently, my coat pulled up on my sleeves now as we walk, say goodbye to the receptionist that led us in, and Reen and I go out the front doors same time Logan opts to settle my medical bill. I'm definitely going to pay at least him back.

"Haaa." I sigh and run my hands through my hair.

"Are you ok?" Reen asks right off the bat.

"Mm-hm." I nod, thankful I don't have all that make up on since I was allowed to wash it off while waiting to get help. Tonight has certainly been an eye opener. Thinking of which, something needs to happen about that. "I can't go to anymore parties with you Reen." Can't go to anymore party's period I think.

I'm sick of them.

In and out, the charm that they could have had at one point is completely snubbed as of now.

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