I squealed in excitement as I picked a few of my favorite items - not going too overboard. But after a while, Sammy and Derek came over and chucked anything I even looked at in the shopping basket.

I'm not complaining.


"Thank you so much guys." I hugged them both tightly as we exited the mall after a huge lunch.

It was already 6:30 p.m. I hadn't realized we visited so many shops and got a bunch of things.

"Hey! No need." Derek carried half of my bags as Sammy hauled the other half.

Sammy nodded and unlocked his car quickly. "Anything for you, even though my arm could possible fall off from all the heavy bags."

I snickered as we loaded all the bags into the car and jumped in ourselves.

"But you guys did all this for me! Its really sweet." I gushed, feeling emotion so I hugged each of them again.

Derek chuckled. "Just don't cry! Nate would probably kill us if we got you in tears."

Right now, as they drove out of the mall I felt myself longing for one thing - or one person right now. Nate. I wanted nothing more than to go home and curl up in bed and watch a movie.

That was enough for me.

"Hey Sammy." I looked back out the window. "You kinda missed the turn back there."

Sure I was new to California but I knew the way to Nate's house.

"I know." Sammy shrugged. "Taking the other way."

But the drive was taking way too long and there was hardly traffic out today. I caught Sammy and Derek giving each other a few glances in the rearview mirror.

"Wait." I said seriously. "You guys took me out, bought me things just so you could kidnap me anyways!"

All three of us looked at each other for a minute then burst out laughing.

"Come on T." Derek laughed. "There's one place we wanna stop before taking you to your fiance."

I smiled. "This better be good."


"The old fare?" I shot them a look as we jumped out of the car and walked towards the entrance of the closed down fare and all its rides.

"Look closely." Derek pointed up to the big lights overhead the entrance gate that slowly lit up.

My eyes widened.


The lights read in big bright lights that I hadn't noticed before. It was kind of beautiful. I gazed up at it in wonder. I felt Sammy steer me inside and as we stepped into the area - the entire place lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Surprise!" A bunch of voices yelled as the lights made them visible.

My heart jumped. "Oh my god!" I gasped as I looked at all the carnival rides behind them, especially the huge ferris wheel.

That's when I looked ahead of me. Nate strolled towards me and pulled me into a heart clenching hug.

"Happy birthday babygirl." Nate spun me around and whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine.

I couldn't stop smiling. This was more than perfect - better than any birthday gift I've ever gotten. I held Nate tightly and felt tears glisten in my eyes.

"You're amazing." I said, but my voice broke at the end. "You did this just for me?"

Nate pulled away and cupped my cheeks in his hand. "Hey hey, no crying tonight babe. This is your night and we're gonna kick back with everyone."

He gestured behind him. I almost fainted on the spot when I recognized my brother, my mom - who had already been down, my family members and best of all, all my friends from back home.

"Guys!" I pouted and hugged each one of them until my arms were aching. "I'm so glad you guys could make it!"

"The wedding is in a week." Ben said ruffling my hair. "Figured we'd come earlier to be with you."

"Thank you Ben." I hugged him more, unable to shake that he somehow smelt like London air.

The party commenced as normal, they all sang for me, I blew out candles and cut the cake, opened some presents. It wasn't anything I've ever done before and I was so thankful for Nate.

We all finally tried out the carnival. I was about to call Nate over who was talking to my brother when cool fingers gripped my hand.

It was Jade.

"Forgive me?" She looked at me with sad eyes.

I didn't even hesitate. I pulled her into a massive hug - not even saying anything but just hugging. It felt so much better, knowing she had come. We hadn't spoken since I left her place.

"Of course I do." I said as I pulled away slowly. "I know you're only looking out for me, and I appreciate that."

Jade nodded. "I've missed you!"

"Me too." I giggled. "Besides I need you back, there is a bunch of bridesmaid stuff you gotta do for me."

Jade laughed. "You can count on me."

I'm really happy with this chapter! What do y'all think?

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