I dropped the floor in a ball and cradled myself, rocking back and forth. I was going to fall. I couldn't take all these stupid emotions anymore. What had Celeste done to me?

"Help me," I whispered, like a prayer, "I'm drowning, please help me."

"I'm here, Becs," Elijah whispered, wrapping his arms around me and holding me to his chest. He held me whilst I drained four blood bags, and then he spoke again, "What happened to you?"

"I woke up in a room, it was pitch black and I was bound by something - I don't know what... Celeste came in and used some kind of mind control to show me you and her kissing in the street... I spent hours watching the two of you together, kissing and having sex, telling her you love her... I didn't know when there memories were from. She was trying to turn me against you. She said she wanted to rip the Mikaleson's apart... She didn't want you to love anyone but her.

"Then she put me in the coffin, after first I fought back, literally screaming and kicking, but it got me no where and I quickly gave up. She forced me to watch you and her, and to watch my mother, father and sister for before my eyes again. I was helpless and I was lost... I was drowning and I don't know if I can keep my head above the water anymore," I poured my heart out honestly to him, and managed to stop myself crying as I did it. "Elijah... Was it only the kiss on the street? Or was it more?"

"I swear to you, Rebecca, it was only that kiss and it was a mistake," Elijah said honestly, taking my face in his hands, "I won't ever hurt you again, I promise." I nodded slightly, before burying my head in his chest and just letting him hold me. "I'm sorry for what you had to go through."

"What happened to Klaus and Rebekah?" I asked him, pulling back so I could see his face.

"We are currently in the middle of a rather bad family feud, but we will be fine eventually. We always are," Elijah sighed.

I rested my forehead on his and whispered, "I promised myself, when Celeste had me, that I would not let her break me... To break us. I love you Elijah, no matter what. You're the only reason I didn't let myself fall off of the cliff. You're the one holding me back from the edge."

"And I will always be there to hold you back. I won't let you fall. I love you," He sealed his promise with a light kiss.

"I have to find Amy," I said suddenly, pulling away from Elijah. She'd be worried about me for a start, but I also had to find out what she was going to do about Marcel.

"Who's Amy?" He asked me.

"That friend I told you about a while ago, the one that needed me after Klaus and I go attacked by Marcel's lapdogs? She's having a difficult time at the minute... I need to check in on her," I pushed myself to my feet and started towards the door.

"You're not in any position to help someone else," Elijah appeared in front of me.

"Go and sort your family feud out Elijah, I will be fine with Amy - she's one hell of a witch," I smiled at him thinking of her.

"Your friend is a witch?" He frowned, probably thinking about Celeste and her crazy minions.

"Yes, we've been friends for years. She's the most amazing person I've ever met, Elijah you would really like her," I said.

He smiled at me slightly, "What's she doing in New Orleans?"

"Her boyfriend died," I said sadly, "And she's left, pregnant with his child and seeking revenge against the vampire who killed him."

"Who?" Elijah frowned.

"Marcel. Well it was one of Marcel's night walkers. Her boyfriend was a human, he came here as a tourist, and you know Marcel's rules on tourists," I sighed.

"What does she plan to do to Marcel?" He asked me slowly.

"Nothing I hope, I'm trying not to persuade her not to. I don't think she would risk the death of her child, she's just angry," I smiled at him, "Go sort out your siblings, and I'll sort out my friend."

Elijah sighed, but kissed me and we split our different ways. When I got to Amy's house I knocked on the door. She answered and pulled me straight into a hug, "I was so worried that something had happened to you."

"I'm fine, I'm fine now," I smiled at her. "How is everything with you?"

"Fine, me and the little squirt are good," She smiled and patted her stomach softly.

"Hey Squirt," I grinned at Amy's stomach, "I know you're only little now, but I can't wait to meet you."

"You'd make a great mum," Amy smiled at me.

I smiled sadly at her, "Let's not talk about the impossible."

"I'm sorry," She patted my leg gently. "Let's take your mind off of it and have one of our old sleepovers."

"Including Disney films and ice cream?" I smirked at her.

"Tangled and Cookie dough?" She smirked back. She grabbed the ice cream and DVD whilst I got the duvet off of her bed and dragged it down to the lounge. This was going to be a well needed girlie night in.


When I went back to the compound the next morning, I was the only one there. I had a shower and got dressed into clean clothes, before I started to get really worried. I called Elijah, "Elijah, where are you? I'm worried, please call me."

I sighed and decided to start looking for them. Wherever they were, they were most likely together. I had an idea, maybe Marcel would know. I pulled my phone out and dialled his number, "Marcel," I said when he answered, "I can't find Elijah, Rebekah or Klaus."

"They're trapped in the cemetery, some spell Celeste put on it. If vampires go in between the two moon rises from last night to tonight then they're trapped," Marcel explained.

"Okay thanks, Marcel," I sighed and hung up. I walked to the cemetery, but couldn't see anyone from the gate.

"Elijah!" I called out.

It was Rebekah who turned up in front of me though. "Becs, Elijah said he found you," She smiled at me.

"Are you all okay?" I asked her.

"Niklaus is trying to kill me, because of a mistake I made years ago. Elijah is being my noble older brother and trying to stop him," Rebekah sighed. "I don't know if I'll make it until moonrise."

"You will," I nodded, "Elijah won't let anything happen to you." She nodded back at me, before we heard Klaus shout for her. "Go," I said to her. She nodded and ran off again.

I sighed and went back to the compound. Someone had to keep things running whilst they were playing hide and seek.

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