"No, no, please," I cried, feeling emotionally and physically drained, but I could not let her put me in that coffin.

"Oh but yes, Becs, yes," She laughed.

I felt whatever was binding my wrists and ankles be lifted off as if it were magic, maybe it was. I struggled to get to my feet, stumbling into the wall behind me a few times. Running my hand along the wall I tried to find the door, I would fight before I went back into that coffin.

"It amuses me to watch you struggle, but alas, I have somewhere else to be so how about we move this along?" Celeste said and with a snap of her fingers it was as if something was sucking me across the room.

I screamed in anger and fought back with every ounce of strength I had. The back of my legs hit something and I fell backwards straight into what I assumed was a coffin. I was pinned down for a second by invisible ropes before the lid snapped shut and the ropes disappeared. I kicked, punched and scratched the coffin and I screamed and cried in desperation.

Not again. Not again.

"Just remember," Celeste's voice floated into the coffin and ricocheted of each wall, "It's Elijah's fault your here."

Elijah fault. I was Elijah's fault. Not just his fault, it was Klaus's fault, it was Rebekah's fault... It was the Mikaleson's fault I was here. And it was Celeste's fault.

"I hate you," I screamed, ripping my throat as I cursed all of them.

I don't know how long I was in there, screaming, crying, kicking, scratching, punching and doing my best to get out of that damned coffin. Along with all my angry, murderous thoughts for Celeste.

She was trying to get me to blame
Elijah, to hate Elijah and I would not let her win that one. She would not break me. Not this time.

"Becs?" I heard Elijah's voice echo within the building I was trapped in.

"Elijah!" I screamed in a panic, "Elijah, help me! Elijah!"

"Becs, I'm coming, Rebecca where are you?" He shouted back to me.

"I don't know, Elijah, get me out of here!" I cried, the desperation clear in my voice. I fought harder against the lid of the coffin than I had before, running completely on adrenaline now.

"Becs, where are you?" I could hear Elijah much closer now.

"Get me out of here!" I screamed, punching and kicking the lid. Suddenly arms were around me, holding me tightly. I fell limply into his arms, "Elijah... How did you get in the coffin?" I whispered in confusion. But as I lifted my hands there was no coffin around me, had he already taken me out of it?

"Becs, there's no coffin in here," Elijah replied, his voice laced with concern.

"No, no, Elijah, she locked me in a coffin, she did!" I shook my head, "It's pitch black in here, maybe you just can't see it." But I knew that didn't make sense because he surely had taken me out of the coffin.

"Becs, it's not pitch black in here, the sun is out, you can see it through the window," Elijah said slowly.

"Elijah, I can't see anything, I can't even see you," I said in a scared voice.

"It's okay, it's going to be okay," He whispered, stroking my hair.

"No, it's a trick, I know it's a trick," I cried and suddenly I was back in the coffin again. Alone.

"You believed it for a while though, didn't you... Oh it's so easy," Celeste laughed. "Your hope that he will come for you, he's not coming for you. He won't find you when he finds Klaus and Rebekah... I've got you well hidden."

"No," I cried, lightly hitting the side of the coffin as I began giving up. I was exhausted.

How long could I wait for Elijah to come and rescue me? Do I even want him to? What do I do if he does? He kissed Celeste. That is something I know for certain. He kissed Celeste whilst I was trapped down here in my version of hell.

I cried until I had no more tears left inside of me. I had no fight left inside of me. I felt like I was in a vegetive state as I lay completely still in the coffin, I couldn't even lift my hand to the lid to knock on it. That was when the images started again. Elijah and Celeste, replaying their intimate moments over and over right in front of my eyes. In between them I watched my mother die, my father die, my sister die all over again. Celeste was picking up on all of my weaknesses and using them to mentally torture me.

I wanted to die. But even more than that, I wanted to punch Elijah in the mouth. And that was what would keep me from ripping out my heart. I had no doubt that Elijah would eventually find me, and when he does I am going to punch him in the mouth... Hard.

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