I bit my wrist and pressed it against the girls mouth desperately. Nothing happened. She was dead. Vampire blood can't heal someone when they're dead. I had to get her heart working again. I began compressions on her chest.

"Jane!" A woman screamed dropped to her knees beside me, crying. I was too late. I couldn't save her. Not even with vampire blood. I fell backwards, as a lump rose in my throat. I moved out of the way and let the mother cradled her baby girl in her arms. "She wanted a new toy, I said no so she ran outside... It's all my fault." The woman sobbed as more people crowded around us.

I couldn't bare to be around the dead girl any longer. I had to get out of there. Pushing my way out of the crowd I stumbled back to the compound feeling numb. I couldn't get the image of her dead body out of my mind. She was only three years old. She didn't deserve a death like that. She didn't deserve to die so young. She had her whole life ahead of her.

"Becs?" Hayley frowned as she saw me walk into the compound. I couldn't form words, all I could see was her open eyes, staring blankly up at me. "Elijah!" I barely registered her shout, before leading me to a chair and helping me sit down.

Elijah came out and was in front of me in seconds, "What happened? Is that her blood?"

"I don't know, she hasn't said a word since she walked in," Hayley shook her head.

"Becs, Rebecca," Elijah spoke softly, taking his hands in mine. "Talk to me, tell me what happened."

"She was only three," I sobbed, the barrier finally breaking. I threw my arms around his neck and held on to him tightly as I sobbed into his shoulder. "She was only three."

"Who was only three, Becs?" Elijah asked me, keeping his tone soft.

"The girl outside... A shelving unit... The earthquake... She got stuck under it... I tried to save her... I was too late... Too late," I sobbed.

"Oh God," Hayley covered her mouth with her hand as she heard what happened.

"She was only three," I cried again.

"It's going to be okay, Becs," Elijah whispered and kissed my temple softly. "I'm going take you upstairs to calm down, and Hayley's going to stay with you."

I nodded, feeling exhausted and emotionally drained as the tears finally stopped flowing. He lifted me easily into his arms and took me into one of the bedrooms, placing me gently on the bed. He kissed me softly before leaving the room. I watched as Hayley hurried after him and couldn't help but eavesdrop into the conversation.

"Elijah," Hayley said, catching up with him. "You're going to see Sophie?"

"Yes," Elijah replied. "There's no need to eavesdrop on my conversations, I don't keep anything from you."

"I know and neither do I... but since you're going to see Sophie I need to tell you something," She said nervously, causing Elijah to stop walking towards the door of the compound. Hayley took a deep breath before she started talking again, she was talking at a fast pace as if she wanted to get it over with quickly. "Sophie called me and asked me for a favour, she said if I did it then she could take the curse off of my family in exchange for some information. And I didn't think anything of it until Davina drew those pictures of Celeste."

As soon as Celeste's name was mentioned I stopped breathing, it seemed Elijah did as well. It was silent for a moment before he spoke, "Whatever this is, you need to tell me."

Hayley's heart rate picked up as she continued again, "Sophie wanted to find Celeste's remains. So I went through your journals and I found out where you buried her and told her. I know that it was stupid and snoopy and I should have just asked you. Please say something. Please."

Secrets (Sequel to Vampire? TVD FanFic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن