The New Kid

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You pushed your way through the crowded hallway to get to your locker. You dialied in your combination and got your stuff ready for classes. From afar, you could hear Zane's voice, along with the popular kids laughing and giggling. Slamming your locker close, you walked towards class.

 "Luna, hey!" Zane walked passed you and waved. But before you could say anything, his girlfriend; Taylor diverted his attention back to her. You ignored it and kept walking.

 Everyone settled down in a desk and started talking. The teacher came in and slammed the ruler on the board to get everyone attention.

 "Everyone, pass your homework up to the front." Teacher announced.

 With a few shuffling of papers, all of the homework was in the teachers hand. Teacher quickly look through the small pile. "Of course none of you took your time to do it. The only person who actually did it correctly was Luna."

 Everyone looked back at you and snickered. Some even yelled out:

 "Teacher's pet"  

"Nerd! No one likes you"  

"You don't belong here, go to hell" 

"Ugly bitch!"

 Some paper ball came flying at you. You silently sat there like nothing was wrong. This was normal for you so you didn't mind. You blankly sat there reading your book.

For the rest of the class, teacher just taught all of you the usual stuff. You took notes, but everyone barely paid any attention. *Why do they bother going to school?*

 The bell rung and you dashed out of class. Without looking at where your going, you bumped into someone and your books fell to the floor.

 "I'm s-sorry." You went on both knees and picked up your stuff. *Please... forgive me*

 The person crouch down next to you and helped. For a second, both of your hands touched. You were shocked and recoiled it quickly. You looked up to see a handsome face with brown eyes and his red hair that stood out, a few centimeters away from you. You moved back a bit and blushed. *Why... why am i like this?*

 Both of you picked up the last remaining of your stuff, and stood up. You fixed your jacket a little bit and gave him a small smile. "Thank you."

 "Be careful next time ok?" The person smile before walking pass you.

 Flustered you kept walking to class. Class started before you knew it. You sat in the back as always and paid attention. Suddenly, the teacher stopped the lesson, and announced. "Class, please be quiet. I would like to present a new student to the class."

 A thin guy, a bit taller than you, walked into the room. He gave everyone a wave. Some girls in the room squealed. *It's him! The guy that helped me in the hallway*

 "Treat him well. Introduce yourself." Teacher said.

 "I'm Nathan. Nice to meet everyone." His eyes flickered over to you and smile. *It's been so long. You're still cute as ever Luna*

 He walked towards the back of the room and sat down in the seat next to you. You tried not to pay any attention to him, and continued taking notes. But Nathan kept glancing at you, *I'm so happy to see you again*


*I make the best sandwich ever! No wonder Zane always wants to eat at my house* You took another bite into the food you packed.

 Then a hand slung over your shoulder and took a bite into your sandwich. "You make the best!" Zane exclaimed, using his free hand, he squeezed your cheeks.

 "Ouch... you're hurting me." He let go and you rubbed your red cheeks.

"So sorry...." Before he could say anything else, Taylor had called him over. "Gotta go, my baby is calling." He winked and skipped over to another table.

You sigh and kept eating. Before you know it, someone else sat down to accompany you. You looked up in surprise.

"Hi, i'm Nathan." He happily said.

"Um... Hi, i'm Luna." You reply. *I know.* He thought.

"Do you mind if I join you for lunch?"

You nervously glanced around before speaking. "I... uh... don't think you should sit here. Your reputation as a new kid might be ruin."

"I don't mind. As long as i'm next to you I'm happy."

"Huh?" You were puzzled and didnt understand what he meant by that.

"Nothing." *Still so clueless* He gave you a warm smile before changing the subject.

Both of you talked and he made you laugh from time to time. Lunch ended and both of you said your goodbyes. *He wasn't so bad. Actually... He was the first person in school besides Zane who was nice to me.* You smile, and thought back to when both your hands had touched. *Wah! What am i thinking? Bad Luna! But... I hope we can be friends.* The school day went by since your last few classes wasn't very exciting. No Nathan to talk to and no Zane to make you laugh.


"Luna! Wait up!" Zane called out behind you as he walked out from the front gate of the school. He ran his hardest and caught up to you. Breathing heavily, he tried calming his breath. "Do you want to come to my house and finish that movie?"

You beamed and nodded. But then someone grabbed your hand, "She can't. She have a date with me" *What? Date?* you thought.

You gave a small gasp and look over to your right, it was Nathan.

"Right Luna?" He looked at you for an answer. You didn't want to be mean so you nodded your head slightly. He quickly pulled you away from Zane, and both of you started to walk towards the town square.

"BABE! CALL ME WHEN YOU GET HOME!" Zane yelled to you. *I don't like that guy!* He thought.

"Zanie, who are you talking to?" His girlfriend Taylor went up to him and hugged his arm.

"No one." She gave him a weird look before shrugging it off.

"What should we do today? Hang out? Go to your house?" Taylor ask.

An idea came into his head. Zane's mouth curved into a big smile. "Lets go on a date."


A/N: Thanks for reading! Please comment and tell me how you feel. Don't be silent readers.

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