Chapter 29

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I arrived home and put away the groceries, got myself some dinner and cleaned up around my room a little bit.

I was cleaning my closet and a soft covered book fell off the shelf and hit me on the head. I picked it up off the floor and immediately ran over to my bed. It was my old journal. I'd looked for this everywhere before i moved out.
I sat down and flicked through some of the pages. This journal had everything in it. I started it when i developed feelings for Justin and when i began to have those dreams about him.

I was in tears reading it, so much has happened and now so much has changed. And at the moment i really don't know what's going on.
I hid it under the mattress of my bed, hoping it would be a safe place to hide it.

The days seemed to go by so quick, it seems like i never have time for anything anymore. I feel like i'm constantly waiting for things to happen. Which in this case, i sort of am. I've been waiting on Justin. As much as i hate to admit it, i am and i can't change it. He broke my heart and i don't know how i'm standing here today after what happened, but no matter what my feelings for him will never ever go away.

I swear i've been staring at the ceiling above my bed more than i've been eating lately. There's nothing to do anymore, with Justin 'out of my life' it's boring, so i lay on my bed and stare at my ceiling.

" Jessica! " Pattie yells from downstairs.

I ran down over the stairs and rushed over to the kitchen. " What? " I answered.

She stared at me, glaring like she was angry. But i never did anything, not that i know of anyways.

" Are you seeing Justin behind our backs? " She asked sternly.

My heart sank, " No? Why would you think that? " I answered saucily.

She looked as if she was about to rage.
Suddenly i felt scared, i felt like i should run, but i couldn't because that would make the truth too obvious.

" Because, I ran into Mr & Mrs Murray outside today. We chatted for a while and she said every night there's a black truck waiting outside out house, it stays there for 30 minutes or so and then drives away. "

I was shocked, had Justin been spying on me? I wanted to smile because i did find it pretty cute, but i had to keep a straight face.

" Pattie, i told you before. Justin and I are over, I mean look at where i am now, do you really think i'd want to get myself into even more trouble by going behind your back? No, i don't think so." I answered back saucily, but on the inside feeling proud.

She looked pretty pissed about what i had just said, but i didn't care. I grabbed an apple and gracefully went back up to my room, hiding my smile under the neck of my hoodie.

Tonight, i decided i would keep an eye out for Justin to see if he really was waiting outside our house. I turned off all the lights so he couldn't see in, and i could see out. I knelt down in the corner and waited.

35 minutes passed and i was almost convinced he wasn't coming. But i decided to wait there a while longer, just incase. At 11:30, his old black truck pulled up on the other side of the road. I smiled. He came, i can't believe he actually came.

I stared outside into the pitch black, I never knew wether I should flick on the light or keep it off. I waited another couple of minutes, then my phone rang.

" Hello? " I whispered.

" It's me. " He answered.

It was Justin.

" Why are you waiting outside our house? " I asked.

I heard a muffled laugh come from the phone. " Oh so you see me? " He asked, giggling quietly.

" Yeah, i see you. " I admitted.

" I'll be here again tomorrow, same time. Come with me so we can talk. Turn your light on at 10 oclock if you will, if not keep it off and i'll know. "

I walked over and flicked on the light. I walked back over to the window and sat down. I waved down at him, even though i couldn't see if he waved back or not.

" Okay. " I agreed.

" Good, " He answered. " Goodnight Jess. "

" Night Justin. "

Surprise extra update?? Hope you enjoy!!!!!!! comment and let me know what you think and PLEASE give me your votes tysm:)

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