Now That I Know The Truth, You're Not Real Chapter 12

Start from the beginning

 I instantly felt heat overtake every bit of the air around us. Sure enough, he and I were standing up in no time. I loosened my grip on him a little and let myself slide down him until I was sitting on the couch. That little act seemed to make the heat in the room almost ten degrees hotter. I ignored it though, telling myself that it was because of the little bit of air I had been getting was getting to my head.

We stayed put for a few seconds, before the silence was broken.

“Oh hey Kitana, where were you,” he inquired, with a smile on his face as he turned to look at me.

“Watching very closely,” I replied, narrowing my eyes at him. My clothes were disheveled. My shirt had risen, showing my stomach, and rumpled around my breasts. My shorts that I was still wearing were hoisted up showing off the entirety of my thighs. The heat didn’t seem to break and only got hotter. Damn summer and random heat. I composed myself as quick as I could.

An hour had past and we had eaten dinner, with my shooting him dirty glances as I ate my mashed potatoes. His only response to my dirty glares were to look like he was in heaven, sweet, teasing heaven, as he would lick the mashed potatoes off his fork, while looking at me intently, daring me. For what I don’t know but I was mixed between replacing that fork with my tongue, or snatching the fork and stabbing him with it. We had moved to the living room shortly before I came up with an idea that sounded all too amazing in my mind.

“Oo, oo, oo, Avory I have a game we can play,” I said very excited.

“Okay,” he replied, raising an eyebrow at my random enthusiasm.

“All right, well, it involves you getting on all fours,” he did, “straighten your back,” he did, and I plopped myself on him. “Giddy up horsey, all the way to my room,” I said as I bent legs back and up and slapped his butt.

“Hey! What was that for?” He asked from below me, turning his head to get a good look; he failed.

“You’re not moving, horsey.” I replied giddy.

“Oh, you’re so paying me back,” I laughed at this. He started crawling on all fours up the stairs. It was funny; I had to hold onto his shirt extremely hard so that I wouldn’t fall off. At the moment I felt like a real cowboy, with all the moving from side to side. I wanted a hat. When we climbed the stairs, I had to hold back from falling off and laughing so hard. At first he looked at the stairs as If questioning how he wanted to tackle them as an obstacle. And eventually he literally just climbed them; the damn cheater.

When we got to my room, I directed him to my dresser where I took out a pair of underwear that read bite me with a cookie in front, and put them on his head. “Hey, what’s that?” he questioned. “Let’s go horsey!” I said and directed him towards the door and then I guided him to my next destination with my feet, like you would to an elephant.

After a short while we were in the bathroom. “Good horsey,” I said patting his head as I got off and took the underwear with me.

“Okay, you can go now. Mommy is going to take a shower,” I said as he started to get up, rubbing his knees. I grabbed the door handle and waited for him to finish.

“Oh, no you don’t. That ride was not free. I want something in return,” he said putting his hand and foot against the door as I was about to close it.

“Oh yeah, well name it.” I replied to him with a cocky grin, stupid boy. I walked right into his next comment.

“Alright, I want a striptease/lap dance. And, you can’t say no because I didn’t object to your pony ride.” The dirty, cocky grin on his face just dared me to say no; dared me to be lesser than him; dared me to do it; that damn grin was so daring, I almost didn’t know what to do about it.

I was taken aback, but only a little, because then I thought; I could have fun with this. “Ok,” I said shrugging my shoulders, acting as if it wasn’t that big of a deal. It kind of was though, because I was only recently 18, and I had never given anything like this to anyone before. Not even as a joke.

“Really?” he asked a bit shocked himself. I think he just said that to jostle me, the little f*cker!

“Yeah, now sit on the toilet. I need to get something,” I said before running out of the bathroom. I didn’t know what I was getting into, but I think I liked it.

*        *        *

I hope you enjoyed this, what about the picture on the side??

Also, this is to make up for not uploading in SOOO long! trying to keep on track as best I can. 

Vote please! It would mean the world to me. And I will definitely reply to any comments posted!

<3 L_Sun

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