My eyes widened as I tried to picture small Yoongi, searching, screaming for the one thing he cares about... And then I pictured the poor lamb... scared, alone, afraid of every noise that echoed in the thundering forest... then I thought of myself... I was the lamb.

"I got there too late and she was gone." Yoongi said as he rubbed my hand rougher as his soft glossy eyes stared at me. "you asked me why I love you and I can honestly say; You're the Mincy I can save."

My heart raced as I looked at Yoongi's soft face. His lips slightly parting as the air around us grew hot. I found myself looking at the man who has been beside me since I've been here. There have been some times when we weren't exactly next to each other... But Yoongi was always there... Whether it was in the background silently watching to make sure I wouldn't break again...

"I-I'm your M-Mincy?" I stuttered as I adjusted my body in front of Yoongi; my eyes scanning his dry lips. "h-how am i-."

Yoongi smiled as he moved his hands from mine and parted my hair, cupping my face softly. "You're the one thing I want to save (y/n)." Yoongi says softly as we stare at each other for, what felt like, hours. "You're my baby lamb..."

I smiled widely at the soft flutter in my stomach as I stared at him. I guess with everything going on I never realized how I really felt for Yoongi... There was Namjoon's capture, Jimin's death, Taehyung... But I never noticed how good Yoongi was to me. Even if it was in the sarcastic way he speaks... He cared about me better than I have ever cared about myself...

"Yoongi I think i-."


My mouth shuts as Hoseok bursts through the room with a serious look on his face. "what's wrong?" I questioned as I quickly moved from out of Yoongi's hold and onto my feet.

"The test results are done..."


(Namjoons POV)

"That's it? That's the whole plan?" Jaebum questioned as he paced the outing of the door. My eyes scanning his broad figure as he rubs his chin in thought.

"that's all I could discuss with my team before I was taken." I say softly as I rub my throbbing head. "how long do expect Jimin and I to be here?" I questioned looking over at the sleeping Jimin beside my bed.

Jaebum scoffed as he stopped in his tracks and took steps towards my bed. "you guys aren't going anywhere." He says making my body tingle with rage.

"excuse me?"

"did you honestly think we were going to rescue you, save your friend, fix you up, and let you go back to your 'team'?" Jaebum scoffed as he ran his hand through his black hair. "that's a good joke Namjoon."

"my 'bts' wasn't even a real gang Jaebum!" I yell as I stand to my feet. "we may have been 'ordered' by the real bts but we were never a real gang." I say as I stand face to face with the man who had my life in his hands.

"I don't care what 'group' you were in Namjoon." Jaebum air quotes as he threatens to take more steps towards me. "you were an inside man of Johnathan. You and your friend." He smirks as he watches me stand down. "you're one of us now whether you like it or not."

"how are we getting out of it?" Jimin says making Jaebum and I turn our attention towards the sleeping patient.


"he's right." I interrupt as I stare at Jaebum. "Let's say that Jimin and I do what you tell us too. We get to Johnathan's, finish what needs to be done... what's next? You keep us around? People who were used in a large plan and agreed to it?"

Jaebum clears his throat as he takes what I said into mind. His eyes flicked from Jimi and I several times before he speaks again. "fine."

"fine what?" Jimin says as he sits up his creaky bed.

Jaebum sighs as he crosses his arms to his chest and leans against the dresser behind him. "you guys can leave after the job is done. But only after the job."

"great." I smile as I rest back onto the old mattress beside me.

"now tell me what you know of BTS' location."


(Y/n) pov )

My eyes land on Taehung's tired red ones. I keep thinking about last night, how I should have gone to his side while he was crying. How I should have acted like a sister would. But I didn't want to be his sister. I didn't want to give him this fucked up past. I'd rather him keep the unknowing one he had so far. I didn't want him to have the broken past I've had dumped on him all in one day... I didn't want him to be like me.

"are you ready?" Yoongi asked as he looked down at me cheeks still blushed from our conversation before.

"I'm ready to get this over with." Taehyung adds as he stares at Yoongi and I. My eyes scan down his body and I notice that he is wearing his fake arm.

"why do you look so tired dude?" Hoseok asked as he leaned on the desk beside Taehyung. His eyes scanning me next. "same with you..."

"what's going to happen if you two are related?" Jungkook asked as he leaned against the armrest on his chair. "like will you start being all brotherly to her taehyung?" Jungkook teased as he kicked his feet to spin the chair he was in.

"I'm too old for that but I think your immaturity could help if I need it." Taehyung retorted causing Jungkook to fall silent. "sorry I couldn't resist." He adds as Yoongi chuckles to the comment.

Suddenly there is a knock at the door making us all turn our attention to the turning doorknob. "Sir we have a problem." One of Taehung's men says as he steps in through the door.

"is it about our test-."

"what is it?" taehyung says as he interrupts me and steps towards his man.

"there's a group of men standing outside our door requesting to speak to you."

Everyone looks at one another as we try to piece together who it could possibly be. My heart stops as I think of the first breach with my father's men so long ago. My eyes shift onto Taehyungs missing arm from that event and I find myself drawing closer to Yoongi to make sure he wouldn't leave my side.

"well who is it?" Taehyung asked as he crossed his arms to his chest, surprisingly keeping his calm.

"they say they're a group called got7"


My hands fall slick with sweat as we stand behind the door that leads to another group called got7. I've never heard them before... but for some reason I felt like I wasn't ready from what lied behind the door.

"stand close to me." Yoongi says as he grips my waist and tugs me closer to him. "gotta keep you safe mincy." He smirks making my heart flutter from the name and the history behind it.

Taehyung sighs as he opens the door and what's on the other side is something none of us could have expected...

"hey guys..."


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