Chapter 59(:

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 "Beep" Em's phone charmed, "who's that?" I asked while browsing through the dresses at Nordstrom. "Just a friend, so have you found anything?" "Nope, still looking. So why am I getting a dress?" "Well..uhm.. just because all of us girls are going to Olive Garden and wanted to look nice." "Oh, okay sounds good." I said with a smile. "OO! How about this one?" I said pulling out a black and white dress with a belt. "Naa, let's get a red one" Em said smiling. "Okay, that works!" I said hanging the dress back up. "OMG! I found it!" Em said holding up a Free People Lace Minidress. "But, it's pink?" Whatever! It will look adorable on you! Now go try it on!" Em said throwing the dress at me. "Okay" I said catching the dress and going to the dressing room. A few minutes later I walked out in the cutest dress I have ever worn! "How do I look?" I asked doing a little twirl. "Oh my goodness! So cute!" Em said walking towards me. "Yup take it off. We're getting it. I'm paying!" "Okay, thanks!" I said smiling. A few minutes later we were lookign at shoes. "Found the shoes!" I said modeling a pair of Jimmy Choo Willow Ballerina Flats in black. "Oh cute!" Em said grabbing the box off the shelf. "Okay! Let's go pay and then head to JCPenny's to get your hair and makeup done!" Em said heading towards the cashier.

  About ten minutes larter we were at JCPenny's getting my hair done. "Okay, so let's curl it, leave the bangs down, and clip some hair back. Sound good?" The stylist asked while running her fingers through my hair. "Sure." I said with a smile. Twenty mintues later my hair was done and the lady was working on my makeup. She did a brown smokey eye, light blush, and bright red lipstick. "Perfect!" They stylist said. "Thank you so much!" I said looking in the mirror. "Oh, sure hun!" She said. Emma came over from reading a magazine. "Wow you look beautiful, cuz." Em said lifting up a strand of perfectly curled hair. "Thanks girl" "Sure, okay so go to the restroom and put on your new outfit, I'll pay." "Okie dokie will do!"

P.S. I Love You (An Austin Mahone Fan Fic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat