Chapter 24(:

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  "Sutton you better text him!!" Mads said. "Chill I will, I'm just nervous," I said looking down at my phone and biting my lip. "Well don't because Alex told Char." Mads said smiling. "Fine," I said pulling out my phone and clicking on "Mahoneee(:

    To: Mahoneee(:

Hey! your name is impossible to miss :P

     "Hmm, no reply," I thought to myself a little worried, two hours had passed and I was worried that Austin didnt like me. I slowly sunk lower into the couch a little insecure. I still had my clothes on from the mall because we were planning on going on going to dinner. "What's wrong?" Emma asked plopping down next to me. "Well I texted Austin like two hours ago and he hasnt replied, what if he dosent like me??" I said holding back tears, I felt stupid for almost crying because I didnt really know him, but I really like him..  "Awe, I'm sorry hun." Emma said with her bottom lip stuck out. "It's okay, I guess its just not meant to be," I said full out crying now. "Hey, cheer up. Let's go grab some dinner, just me, you, Char, and Mads." Emma said, her arms outstretched for a hug. "Alright, let me go wash my face and I'll be down in a sec," I said hugging Emma. "Alrighty chick." Emma said hugging me back. I quickly went upstairs to wash my face, when I was in the bathroom reapplying some makeup my phone vibrated. I picked up my phone and rolled my eyes because I thought that it was Emma telling me to hurry up, "Why cant she just come up here?" I said to myself while unlocking my phone. The text was from Austin!!!!! "OH MY GOSH!!! He actually texted me back!!" I said in a giddy squeal to no one but myself for reassurance. I quickly opened the text and it read,

     From: Mahoneee(:

        hey, i am sooo sorry I was asleep, kinda stressed :/ and of course my name is impossible to miss!!! haha ;)

To : Mahoneee(:

      heyy! Its okay, i thought that you didnt like me and i was reallly nervous to text you. (: haha

From: Mahoneee(:

    oh my gosh! me too i thought that you didnt like me either and i didnt have your number or i would have texted you so i was like freaking out!!

    I ran downstairs with a huge smile and jumped into the car. "Whoa! What happened that made you so excited?!?" Emma asked while pulling out of the driveway. "Ohhh... nothing," I said smiling and a little giddy. "Obviously something!" Char said poking at my sides. "Fine! He texted me back!!" I said holding my phone in the air like a trophy. "Who?" Mads asked (she hardly pays attention). "AUSTIN!!!!" I yelled in excitment. "oooooo" Emma said looking at me through the rearview mirror smiling. "Turns out he was just sleeping! Ha!!" I said laughing. "Goodness, well lets go get some dinner, I am starving!!" Emma said smiling. 

P.S. I Love You (An Austin Mahone Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now