Chapter 19(:

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Hey again!!(: so whenever things are bolded its texts!(: Okay enjoyy I hope you like it so far!(:

   "So how was your date??" Emma asked while skipping down the stairs. "Shut up!" Sutton said with a laugh. "But Chars got herself a man!" Sutton said poking Chars side. "Uhm no." Char said with a playful stomp of her foot. "Oh my gosh Char! you have Alex's number! Text him!!" Mads said. "No way!" Char said running up the stairs. "Fine! Then I will!!" Sutton said running after her. Mads and Emma ran up the stairs following Char and Sutton. Sutton tackled Char on Emmas bed, grabbed her phone out of her pocket, ran to the bathroom, and locked the door. "Sutton!! STOP PLEASE!" Char said slamming her fists on the door. "Nope!" Sutton yelled back. As Sutton scrolled through Chars phone she found "Alex(:

To: Alex(:

       Hey there hottie :P

Fom: Alex(:

    well hey there gorgeous! ;)

   Sutton strutted out of the bathroom and dropped the phone in Chars lap which happened to be opened to the text message. "Here text him back," Sutton said with a smirk while Char glared at her. Sutton skipped down the hallway like nothing ever happened.  

P.S. I Love You (An Austin Mahone Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now