Chapter 36(:

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   2:30 rolled around and we were at Subway eating lunch. We heard the door bell chime and looked over. "Char, Mads! Austin, Alex and Robert are here!" I said excitedly. "Hey guys!" Austin said walking towwards us. "Hey" I said smiling. "You uh got a little something on your shirt," Austin said pointing at my shirt, as I looked down Austin quickly flicked my nose. "uh!" I said playfully slapping his arm. "I like your shirt," Austin said smiling. "Oh! Thanks!" I said through a nervouse laugh, because I had completley forgotten about my Austin Mahone shirt until now. "So what are you guys up to?" Robert asked while hugging Mads from behind. "Uh, honestly I'm not sure," Char said looking at Emma. "Well, it was supposed to be a suprise, but, we are going to seaworld.!" Emma said smiling. "You guys can come if you want," Emma said while taking a bite of her sub. "Sure, why not." Alex said shrugging. "Okay, let me call Justin rea-" Emma said before I cut her off. "Whoa! Who'sJustin!? You are my cousin I should know these things!!" I said with a frown. "He's my boyfriend... now let me call him and see if he can meet us there." Emma said smiling. "OOH! Okay go ahead!" I Said smiling.

      At about 4:00 we were a sea world. (luckily we all get in free because, Emmas dad- my uncle owns it!) "So could we all go off on our own?" I whispered in Emmas ear, "pweaseee!" "Sure. we can spend the time with our man," Emma said with a wink. "Thanks girl!" I said kissing Emmas cheek. "Sure!" She said with a smile, and then walked in the oppisite direction with Justin. "Austin!" I Said tapping his sholder, "lets get away from these love bugs." I said poking Mads side, she let out a small giggle and blushed. "Alright, I'm starting to get sick!" Austin said making a fake gag. "Shut up!" Robertsaid teasingly. 

    "Of course A;es and Char are gone already!" Austin said rolling his eyes. "I think its cute!" I said smiling. "I guess! OHH! look at the sharks!" Austin said getting distracted. "Pretty cool. AWEEE!!!" I said with a huge smile. "Ha! What?" Austin said laughing. "That baby penguin is soo cute!!!" I said gaping at the penguin. "Not as cute as you!" Austin said tapping my nose. "Oh you!" I said, resting my forehead on his. "No you," Austin said quickly kissing the tip of my nose. "You're so cute!" I said kissing his cheek, until I slowly reached his lips. "EWWWWWWWWW!!!! Gross!! Get a room!!" A little redheaded boy said pointing at Austin and I completley ruining the mood. Austin started laughing and all I could do was blush. "Hey! When you meet a girl this amazing as her you will want to kiss her, hug her, and be around her as much as possible." Austin said patting the little boy on the head. I entertwined my fingers in Austins, kissed his cheek and whispered, "You're too sweet" In his ear as we walked away. 

P.S. I Love You (An Austin Mahone Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now