Chapter 55(:

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 "Okay, so we have a choice of either ice cream cake or lemon meringue." I sald looking at Char. "You can NEVER go wrong with ice cream cake!" Char said licking her lips and grabbing two chocolate ice cream cakes with white whipped icing and sprinkles. "Might as well grab one for us" Char said with a wink. "Yummm. I wonder where Rob and Ma-" I said as I saw them running towards the cart. "Found them!" Char said while putting the cake in the cart. "Hey guys!" Mads said tossing candles, a white and red checkered table cloth, lipgloss, and the latest one direction magazing in the cart. "Whoa! Whats all this?" Char said picking up the magazine and flipping through it. "Just some stuff" Mads said smiling. "Fine," Char said tossing the magazine in the cart. "Well, we just need spaghetti noodless, and we're done!" I said looking at Char.

P.S. I Love You (An Austin Mahone Fan Fic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant