Chapter 41(:

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       I couldnt sleep. At about one in the morning I decided to text Robert

To: Robert V.

     Hey... you up!?

From: Robert V.

     yeah(: whats up?

To: Robert V.

      I want to go home. Everyone is mad at me and thb i dont feel like being here..

From: Robert V.

      Why? What happened?

To: Robert V.

       Well appearently im "ignoring everyone" because im always on twitter and stuff. and everyone is ticked at me and its annoying. the only reason i wouldnt want to leave is because of you..

From: Robert V.

         ohh.. I mean you should reall listen to your friends i mean they are going to be there when twitter isint and i dont want you to leave because i realli like you. so idk what to say. 

To: Robert V.

       yeah, i guess well i gtg. night.

From: Robert V.


 I eventually fell asleep around two thirty thinking about wether or not to leave

      I woke up around noon. I slipped on my polka dot robe, fuzzy pink slippers. I slowly walked downstairs, heard laughing, and saw Austin, Alex, Robert, Sutton, Char, and Emma at the table playing apples to apples. "Okay, the word is fuzzy, we have my bellybutton! hahaha!!!! kiwis, ocean? haha, blankets, and kittens." Sutton said laughing and reading the cards. "Pick kitties! They are cute and fluffy!" Alex said winking."Well gee! That must be Alex's card! But I'm choosing kittens! Here Alex!" I said handing Alex the green card. "Oh, it's not mine.. ha! it's Chars!" Alex said winking at Char. "Mine was my bellybutton!" Alex said laughing. "Only you bro! Oh hey Madeline!" Robert said with a little wave. "Hey." I said tucking my messy hair behind my ear. "Ew someone stinks." Sutton said waving the air in front of her nose glaring at me. Yup, shes still angry with me. I just rolled my eyes. "I'm going to go take a shower." I said angrilu and walked upstairs. 

P.S. I Love You (An Austin Mahone Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now