Chapter 34(:

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   I shut the door and leaned my back against the door and bit my lip through a smile, I didnt realize Emma, Char, and Sutton sitting on the couch snickering. When I realized they were sitting there I jumped, "GOSH! You scared me!!" I said putting my hand over my chest. "We saw your little makeout scene!" Char said laughing. I let out a fake gasp. "It was not a 'make out' scene" I said with air quotes. "Mhmmmm, sure!" Emma said smiling. "Shut up!" I said playfully punching her arm. "Any way! How was it??" Sutton asked excitedly. "It went awesome!" I said plopping myself on the couch, " we watched a movie and I fell asleep on his chest." I said with a huge smile. "AWE!" Char, Emma, and Sutton all said in unison. "I'm kinda tired, I'm gonna head in for the night," I said with a smile. "Why? Cause you wanna dream about your man??" Char said poking my sides. "" I said with a wave of my hand, "okay... MAYBE!" I said running up stairs. 

P.S. I Love You (An Austin Mahone Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now