Chapter 15(:

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    "OH MY GOSH!!! I just slow danced with AUSTIN MAHONE!!!" Sutton said with a squeal. "I just danced with Robert Villuneauva!!! Char! CHAR!! Stop dreaming how did the dance go with Alex??" Mads said as she snapped in Chars face. "What? Huh?" Char said coming back down to earth. "Goodness Char, how did it go?" Sutton said poking Chars side. "Well he said, that he was FALLING FOR A GREEN EYED GIRL!!!!" Char yelled. "Geesh! Char chill! WHat did you say?" Mads said with a laugh. "I said well I'm falling for a certain brown eyes boy!" Char said with a cheeky smile."So Mads how did your dance go?" Sutton asked. "Pretty good, he didnt seem that interested in me, but he did ask if I would talk to him later, so I'm not sure," Mads said with a smile. "Sutton your turn! Spill missy!!" Char said tickling Suttons side. "Stop!" Sutton said laughing, "well it was awkward of course! I mean it was Austin Mahone. But I'm hoping he likes me!!" Sutton said blushing. "Well let's enjoy the rest of this party," Sutton said putting her arms around Char and Mads. 

P.S. I Love You (An Austin Mahone Fan Fic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora