Chapter 8(:

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      "Guys! I feel bad," Austin said looking at the clock, 7:20. "It's better to be fashionably late, than desperatly early!" Robert said hopping out of the car and admiring seaworld. "This is crazy! I cant believe this party is at seaworld!" Alex said excitedly. As they walked into seaworld they were directed to an indoor/outdoor lounge where the party was in full swing, teenagers were dancing, caterers were weaving through people with platters of food, and everyone was having a great time! "Dude, theres like 200 people here!" Austin said looking at all the people. "210 to be exact!" Emma said hugging Austin. "Oh hey! This party is going to be awesome!" Austin said. "Yeah, I agree, well go enjoy yourselves!" Emma said motioning towards the crowd of people. "Alrighty, see ya later!" The guys said as they walked to the drinks. As they were grabbing some drinks Char caugh Alex's eyes. "Whoa, check her out!" Alex said pointing. "Who?" Robert asked taking a drink of his pop. "The girls with the bleach blonde hair, and the blue flowery dress." Alex said smiling. "Oh, shes cute." Austin said. "Dude! On the next slow song I dare you to ask her to dance, If you do we will." Robert said almost yelling because the music was so loud. "Alright, fine." Alex said a little giddy. "Uhm, I'll ask.....HER! The girl with the skinny jeans and the zebra shirt," Austin said pointing to Sutton.  "Okay Roberto! AYour turn, "Alex said laughing. "Okay I will choose hmmm... her! The girl with the capris, gray sweater and the curly hair." Robert said pointing towards Mads. "Alright, but you guys better not back out!" Alex said laughing a nervous laugh while they went to dance until the next slow song. 

    "More than This" by One Direction came on and Alex looked at Robert and Austin.  "Alright, wish me luck!" Alex said walking towards Char. "Soo uhm, wanna dance?" Alex asked holding his hand out. "Oh my goodness, I know who you are!! You're Alex Constancio! Of course I'll dance with you!!" Char said with a bright smile. As they walked away Alex held a thumbs up over his shoulder to Robert and Austin.  "Alright bro, you next," Austin said nudging Robert. "FIne," Robert said as he walked towards Mads. As he tapped her on the shoulder she turned around and smiled. Robert held his hand out to Mads and she grabbed it, and they walked away. Robert gave "the look" to Austin.  Alex walked over to Sutton and glanced at Alex and Robert dancing and just laughed. "Hey, fun party, huh?" Austin asked nervously. "Yeah," Sutton said. "Uh, anway wanna dance?" Austin asked while rubbing the back of his neck. "YES!" Sutton said a little too excited.  The two of them walked into the crowd and started dancing. 

P.S. I Love You (An Austin Mahone Fan Fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora