Chapter 51(:

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  My stomach dropped when I heard that. I need to talk to Austin? What if he wants to break up? "I'm going to bed" I said. "Hey, it's okay" Mads said pulling me into a hug. "Thanks." I said smiling. "Night girl" Mads said smiling. "Night."

     At about 10:30 the next morning I was up and getting ready. "Why are you up so early?" Aunt Jen asked while walking out the kitchen with a cup of coffee in her hand. "I'm going to Austins. Apparently I need to talk to him?" I said slipping on my tennis shoes. "Good luck honey." Jen said going back into the kitchen.

        About an hour later I arrived at Austins, he had a "SOLD" sign in his yard. Whe I knocked on the door, his mom answered. "Hello" she said welcoming me in. "Hi, is Austin here?" "Yeah, he's upstairs." She said motioning towards the stairs. "Thanks" I said heading upstairs. Austin was on his computer uploading a video when I walked in. "Hey" he said a little startled. "Hey, so we "need" to talk?" I asked with air quotes around the need. "What do you mean?" He asked closing his laptop. "Well, Char went on her date last night and when she came home she said that Alex told her that we needed to talk." I said plopping down on his bed. "Oh" Austin said sitting next to me. "Well I wanted to tell you this on Friday, but I guess now will have to do. So we are..." Austin hesitated. "We are uhm, moving to uhm... Florida." My heart sank. "B-b-b-b-bu.." was all I could manage until I broke down. "You cant move! I love you!" I said through sobs laying down on his bed. "I'm so sorry, I would have told you sooner I just wanted to tell you at the right ti-" I cut him off. "But when is the RIGHT time Austin!" I said, "when you leave on Friday?" I said getting up to leave. "I know, I'm sorry!" Austin said grabbing my arm causing me to turn around. "Please understand me, I love you and I didnt want to face the fact of having to leave you. But I got something for you. Wait right here." Austin said as he went downstairs to grab something. When he came back he had a little box. "Turn around" Austin said. As I turned around I could hear Austin opening the box. I felt a strand of cold metal on my neck. Once the necklace was on, I lifted up the pendant and saw that it was a diamond encrested penguing. "Oh my gosh, th is beautifiul! Thank you so mu-" I felt Austins lips on mine. Once I pulled back I said, "well that was a nice way of shutting me up!" Austin let out a small laugh and said " I wanted to do it differentley though. I wanted to go to seaworld on Thursday and give it to you infront of the penguin exhibit. But ya know.." "That would have been sweet" I said with a smile, "but no matter how you gave it to me it is still very special!"I said pulling Austin into a hug and kissing his cheek. I heard Austin's door open and quickly pulled away.  "Austin, we need to finish packing, it is Wednesday and you still need to take all of these posters down from your fans." Austins mom said. "Okay, I'll start in a bit." "Oky, but it's gott be soon." She said and then went downstairs. "Well.." Austin said slipping hiis hands in his basket ball shorts pockets. " I can help, I have nothing better to do, and I have sweats on!" I said winking. "Okay" Austin said kissing my cheek.

    About 15 minutes later Austin and I were sitting on his floor surrounded by the handmade fan posters. "Wow" I said picking up one of the posters. "This is amazing! You are loved around the world!" "I know, sometimes it's a hassle and surreal, but I mean, I love it!" It's awesome to think all of these girls that I have never met like love me, ya know?" Austin said while making a small stack of papers in front of him.

   Three hours later all of Austins room was in boxesm except for clothes, bed, and of course computer. "Man.." Austin said while he looked around his empty room. "I cant believe that everything is packed up! I havent seen my room this bare in forever!!" "I know what ya mean, moving isisnt fun, especially when you have so many roots here." I said plopping my self in his desk chair. "I know, it's kind of uspsetting." Austin said while sitting down on the desk table. "Do you think that our relationship will be hard to keep?" He asked grabbing my hand.  "Honestly I think it will be hard to keep cause we are going to be so far apart, but I think we can do it." I said looking at him. We sat in silence for a few until my phone beeped. I picked it up and read it. "Well I gotta go" I said standing up. "Alrighty, I'll walk you out." Austin said opening up his door. We both walked downstairs and Austin opened up the front door. "Well, I'll see you later." I said embracing Austin in a hug. "I love you" he said as he gently kissed me. "I love you" I said once I pulled away. "Bye" I said and just like that he was gone. 

P.S. I Love You (An Austin Mahone Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now