Chapter 17(:

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       11:30 PM and the party was finally coming to an end. "I wonder if Austin is going to talk to me," Sutton said looking for Austin. "Sutton you need to chill, he is probably dancing," Char said. Towards 11:50 Austin, Alex, and Robert walked up to Sutton, Char, and Mads who were turned around talking to a couple seniors. "mhm," Austin cleared his throat to get their attention. Sutton and the girls turned around, "oh hey!" Sutton said with a smile. "Hey, could I see your phone?" Austin asked rubbing his hands through his hair and smiling. "Sure," Sutton pulled out her iphone and handed it to him. As Austin fidgited with Suttons phone Alex had given Char a piece of paper that read "567-123-8765 Call Me Mabye ;) xoxo" Char smiled and said "Of course my brown eyed boy." "Hey, give me your hand," Robert said taking Mads hand, he quckly wrote down his number and "Robert V." "Thanks," Mads said with a smile. "Well, I hope we can hang out this summer," Austin said with a wink. "Why wouldnt we?" Sutton said with a bright smile. "All righty well we will se you girls later!" The guys said and headed to Austins SUV. 

      When the girls got to Emmas house around 1:30 AM they all changed into yoga pants and oversized sweater and crashed! When Sutton woke the smell pancakes, bacon, and eggs filled her nose . "mmmmmm" she thought with a smile. She quickly checked her phone, 10:30 AM. "Hey girls time to get up , I think breakfast is ready," Sutton said stretching. At 10:45 the girls were all awake and heading downstairs. "Morning Girls!" Emmas mom said in a voice way to happy at ten in the morning.  "How was the party?" Emmas mom asked while setting the table with plates. "Awesome, but I am soo tired!" Emma said yawning.  As soon as they finished eating they all went upstairs showered, brushed their teeth, and got dressed to go to the mall. 

P.S. I Love You (An Austin Mahone Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now