Chapter 48(:

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   "Ding' my phone charmed.

From: Alex(:

     are you excited<3?

To: Alex(:

    uhm, yeah!(:

From: Alex(:

   welp!  ill see ya in about 20 minutes! xo

To: Alex(:

   okay bye xo(:

   "Char! DON'T move!!! I dont want to burn your ear!" Sutton said holding my head still. "Sowwy" I said with a fake pout. "I'm excited for you!" Mads said while updating twitter. "Thanks" I said while applying my lip gloss. 

   Once my hair was all curled and my makeup was all applied, I grabbed mu new outfit, and ran to the bathroom. As I got dressed  I checked the clock, 7:30. "Crap!" I said throwing my cothes on. "Hurry up!" Emmaa yelled while knocking on the door. "I'm tryi'" "Ding Dong" "Crap! I said while running out the door buttoning my shorts and grabbing my TOMS. "Char! Alex's here!!" Jen yelled. "I know!" I said running down the stairs, and all of a sudden BOOM! I tripped down the stairs and fell. "Oww" I said rubbing my back. "Are you okay?" Alex asked while helping me up. "Uhya... ha" I said with an embarresed laugh. Alex kissed my hand and said "ready to go?" "Of course!" I said biting my lip.

P.S. I Love You (An Austin Mahone Fan Fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora