Take A Chance

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                  ''Hey Da, we home!'' You and your mom made your way into the living room, only to find him sleeping on the couch. ''Too cute,'' you said shaking your head. It was an early Friday afternoon. You just got back from the nail salon, fresh mani & pedi. No seniors even bothered showing up at school today, it was prom weekend. ''Dad, look at my nails!'' He wasn't conscious. Your mom picked up a pillow and hit him in the head, ''DARYL!!!!'' ''What, what huh? OH, oh yes baby girl,'' he said sitting up. ''Wipe that drool off your damn face!'' ''OH MICHELLE, calm down.'' You just stood there and laughed. He motioned for you to bring your hands closer and looked at your nails. Since your dress was black, you got silver and black nails with a pop of red. ''That's gorgeous [yn],'' he said holding your hand. ''Thanks daddy.'' He looked at you and smiled. They were both smiling. Uh oh, you felt a talk coming. Gotta find a way to get out the room, NOW! ''I'm gna go call Monique now,'' you said walking upstairs. ''Hold on baby, we wanna talk to you.'' You stopped and turned around, ''Oh, okay.'' You sat in between your parents, it was silent. ''So prom is tomorrow huh,'' your dad said looking at his hands, ''Brings me back to my prom night.'' ''Mhm,'' your mom said nodding, ''Look baby, we gna just cut straight to the chase. You were conceived on the night of prom.'' You looked up at your mom, ''For real?'' They both nodded. You knew your parents had you early, but didn't know it went down on prom night. ''Yeah baby girl, thats what happened. As much as we encourage you to wait, we know nowadays y'all kids be running around fucking like wild rabbits!'' ''DARYL!!'' You and your mom started laughing. ''Our point is is that we want to make sure that if something does happen, you're ready,'' your mom said digging through her purse. ''But ma, remember I told you that I'm going with Donte.'' ''Yeah, but still.'' Your dad then spoke, ''We're obviously not encouraging you to have sex, we just don't want you to have to settle down so early like we had to. It was tough. We as your parents can't control what you do, but we can try and be there through all your mistakes.'' You nodded. ''Here [yn],'' your mom said handing you a small box. ''What's this ma?'' They waited for you to open it. You pulled out a small box. ''Condoms?'' You were completely lost for words. There was a silence. ''We know this can be a bit much for you but you're 18 and we gotta make sure you're aware of what's out there.'' ''I appreciate these but I doubt I'll need them.'' ''You never know [yn]. These are just incase,'' your mom said, "But I will be taking you to the doctor for birth control soon." You nodded slowly, holding the box in your hands. ''Okay, thanks,'' you said smiling at them. You hugged them both, then headed upstairs. When you got to your room, you just sat on the bed and stared at them. Would you need these?

                     You sat on your bed, in your prom dress. It was the night. You stared at your phone, hoping you'd hear from your ''boyfriend.'' All week you had faith that he'd come through and just say, ''You know what babe, I'm taking you to prom.'' Of course that didn't happen. You didn't know what he was up to. You were slouched across the bed, looking down. Suddenly, you looked up and saw yourself in the mirror on your wall. There was a beautiful girl sitting on the bed about to head to her prom but you couldn't see that. All you wanted was Daniel. *Knock Knock* ''Yes?'' Your mom stepped in. ''Come on baby, Donte is downstairs.'' You forced yourself up and followed her downstairs. ''Oh [yn], you look so beautiful,'' you heard your dad say. As you got closer to the bottom of the staircase, you saw Donte. He was cheesin extra hard. Once you reached the bottom, you actually did smile. ''You look amazing,'' Donte said hugging you. ''Thank you. You look mighty sharp as well.'' He chuckled, then said, ''Not as amazing as you.'' ''Awh how cute,'' your mom said. She was tearing up. ''Oh ma, stop it.'' Donte showed you the corsage. It was beautiful. ''Wow,'' you said as you watched him take it out the box. ''WAIT WAIT, LET ME GET MY CAMERA,'' your dad said running around like a mad man. Moments later, he rushed back in and said, ''Alright, go ahead and place it on her.'' He took your hand and gently put it on. You blushed. ''And I have something for you,'' you said grabbing his flower to pin on his suit. ''Try not to stab your date,'' your dad said laughing. You looked at him and rolled your eyes. ''Okay, I got it.'' ''Thanks [yn].'' After that, I swear your parents took 5 minutes just to take photos. ''Ooo ooo, lets get one on the staircase!'' ''MA, WE GOTTA GO!!!'' ''OKAY OKAY FINE, last one.'' Donte just laughed. As they took your pictures, you felt like it was a force. Everything really. It wasn't natural because this wasn't who you wanted to be as your date. Sadly, he made much more of an effort than Daniel. ''Alright, we got what we need,'' your dad said staring at his camera screen. ''Finally,'' you said sarcastically. ''Thanks Mr. And Mrs. [YLN], we're gna go ahead and make our way to the stretch limo outside.'' As you headed for the door, your mom tapped you. ''You got the stuff right?'' You sighed, ''Yes ma.'' ''Good, enjoy yourself okay, you look beautiful baby.'' ''Thanks mama,'' you said before kissing her. ''Where's mine,'' your dad said coming in between the both of y'all. You then kissed him. You waved as you followed Donte outside. The two of you walked down your driveway. You saw the limo out front, some windows rolled down. ''AYYYYYYYYYEE!'' ''GOOO HEAAAD NAH!'' ''YOU BETTER WORK BITCH!'' You laughed, ''Whose inside Donte?'' ''Oh, you'll see," he said smiling.'' As you made your way down the driveway, you heard a car approaching, causing you to look up. Suddenly... a car appeared on the sidewalk. Someone from the stretch limo yelled, ''OH SHIT, THAT'S A BUGATTI!!!' You watched as a driver stepped out and opened the backseat door. A foot stepped out the car, then there were two on the ground. The person stood up and adjusted their suit before looking up. ''OH MY GOSH,'' you said covering your mouth. The driver shut the door and revealed who it was. There were loud screams from the limo. ''OH SHIT, WHOSE THAT,'' someone from the limo screamed. It was Daniel Dwayne Simmons III. He stood there and waited for the driver to hand him a small bag, then he looked up and saw you. You stared at each other. 

End of Chapter 65.

A Dream Come True (Diggy Love Story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt