Chapter 38: You're bi?

Start from the beginning

My eyes widened.

"Oh, shit!"

I covered my mouth with my hand and stared back at him.

"I didn't know you were bi." He said.

He was less shocked now.

"Yeah... I thought I told you.." I said, awkwardly. "You probably hate me now."

I almost started to cry.

"No! I don't hate you, I don't care if you're bi or not. You're still the beautiful Harley I know and love." He said.

I smiled and hugged him.

"So, um, have you ever dated a girl?" He asked as we broke apart from the hug.

"Uh, yeah." I said, shyly.

He still held onto my arms as he looked very interested.

"Who was it? Do I know them?" He asked.

"Yeah, you do. Uh, it was ..." I said.

"Should I tell him? I don't know if Cleo has come out to CC yet..."

He waited patiently.

"Um, okay. You can't tell anyone." I said.

"I won't, pinky promise." He said, holding up his pinky.

I took it and we pinky promised.

"Okay... It was Cleo." I said.

His eyes widened again.

"What? I didn't knew she was bi either." He said.

"Shh, don't tell anyone or she'll kill me." I said.

"I would actually believe that, she seems scary sometimes." He said.

"Yeah, she can be." I replied. "We grew up together so she's pretty protective of me."

"Wow, that's actually really cool." He said, his mind wandering off.

"Yeah. Something else you probably don't know is that I'm ambidextrous." I said.

"What does that mean?" He asked. "Wait, is that with your hands?"

"Yeah, both of my hands are dominant. Some people are right handed or left handed. I'm both handed, if that makes sense." I laughed.

"That's so cool and actually makes a lot of sense now." He laughed too.

We exited the bathroom and went into the kitchen to eat.

"You hungry babe?" I asked.

"No, I'm good." Ash replied.

"Okay." I said, making myself a bowl of cereal.

I sat down next to him and started eating.

"Hurry up, Harley! You two need to be at the AP tent in seven minutes!" My tour manager, Mike, said.

"Okay." I said.

I started shoveling cereal in my mouth, choking a little bit.

"Woah, slow down babe. Don't want you to die from eating cereal." Ashley said, taking my cereal from me.

I ate the cereal that was in my mouth and he gave my bowl back.

"Slow." He said.

I slowly finished the cereal and put it in the sink. We then left the bus and headed for the AP tent. Ashley held my hand as we walked to the tent.

"Harley! Ashley! Oh my god, they're so cute!" Fans screamed and they started swarming us.

Thankfully Ashley's bodyguard, Matt, and my bodyguard, Pierce, were helping us get to the tent. We finally got to the tent and did a quick interview. We then sat down to do a signing. CC and Cleo were also there. They had an interview before us and were doing the signing with us. I sat in between Cleo and Ashley.

"Hey girl, what's up?" Cleo asked as we sat down.

"Good, kinda tired but whatever." I said.

"Well, we have like two hours of this and then we play." Cleo said.

"Fun." I said, sarcastically.

"Yup." Cleo replied.

"Alright, let them through." The tent supervisor said.

Kids started coming to us in a line, starting with Cleo, then me, then Ashley, and finally CC. We signed many things and the poster that each kid got. We also recieved a lot of fan letters and art which was cool.

After about two hours they cut off the line. We would continue the signing after Bvb played. We finished signing for the kids remaining and Cleo and I went to our stage to play.

"Bye, good luck." Ashley said and kissed me on the lips.

"Bye, I'll see you when you go to play." I said.

"Okay." He said.

Bvb started playing about 15 minutes after we finished so I would have to finish packing up and everything and rush over to their stage to see them after my performance. Cleo and I grabbed our instruments/sticks and went to the group huddle.

"Let's go kick ass, you guys!" Tyler yelled.

Our intro music played and we went on stage and played a great show.

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