E i g h t y - o n e

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Taylor sighed, her beautiful grin on her face. During the past few weeks, I've seen how much she changed, and it's a good kind of change. She's glowing, she's stunning, she's almost who she was back then, from her hair to the shine in her eyes. "We're here." She whispered.

Suddenly I don't understand what I'm feeling. I saw that old house from outside the window again, I've never been here in years. The last time I was here, it was when Taylor was leaving, I never came back here again. I was deep inside my thoughts until Taylor told me that it's time for us to get out of the taxi, and so we did. I paid the driver and then, we're just there. . .

I took a deep breath and stared for a while, jaw dropped and speechless. I was really excited, but now I'm not sure. My feelings mixed up inside me, I started feeling anxious on the thought of seeing Taylor's parents again in personal.

I heard Taylor laugh a little and she held my free hand, I just realized that I've been tapping it the entire time. "I understand, Hazz. . . but can I ask you to be a little more patient? I don't think it'll be easy for them to accept." She said and I nodded. I was prepared for that now anyways. "Thank you."

Unlike the other times before, I walked behind Taylor. I love it here, I love being with her here. . . there's their lovely garden and old, memory–struck house. It preserved everything that had been left in the back of my mind. . . everything is just coming back once again.

She kept walking until she got to the door, at the top of the stairs whereas I stopped before it. She looked back at me and raised an eyebrow, "What's wrong?" She asked.

I shook my head with a sheepish smile, "Nothing. I just figured I'd let you with your family first." I replied, I put my hands inside my pockets. I just figured it'd be respectful if I let her go first.

"Oh." Taylor said. "Okay, have it your way." She turned around and faced the door.

I looked down at my feet as I listened. She knocked on the door for a few times. I heard the wooden creak as a sign that it was opened by someone. That's when I looked up and saw Mr. Swift. He wrapped Taylor in an embrace whereas his eyes – even beneath his glasses – were focused on me. I didn't break from the eye contact but he did.

"Welcome back, Tay. Everyone's waiting for you inside." He said and Taylor shrugged a bit. And then his eyes laid on me again.

"Good afternoon, sir." I greeted and then bit the insides of my lip as I waited for his uncertain reply.

His face was rather blank yet I know he was frowning at the sight of me. "Likewise, Harold." He replied, back then, he only called me 'Harold' when he first met me, for the rest of the time it's 'Harry' and sometimes even 'son.' It just felt like I'm way back to the beginning. . .

"Harry, let's go." Taylor invited yet I knew, somehow, I'm still not allowed to be inside.

Mr. Swift's stare makes me want to hide under the ground, I felt my heart throbbing against my chest in the harshest way possible. "S-Sir, may I come in?" I asked while stuttering a little.

He didn't break his stare and I waited for his answer a long time. It seems as though he didn't even want to answer the question. Me? I just wanted to run right now, I felt a bit shameful, I felt shy, I felt remorseful, his intimidating stare isn't making it better for me. He had always been protective of Taylor. Back then, it was difficult to move way pass his barriers, I managed last time. . . but with this restart, and all the things that happened, I'm not sure if I could do it again.

"Dad." Taylor said, Mr. Swift looked at her and it's as though they were communicating quietly.

And with that, he sighed. "Yes." He said and then went inside while leaving the door open. Even with the distance, I could hear the noise inside.

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