T h i r t y - t h r e e

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Apparently the happiest memories will eventually have an ending.

January, 17

Taylor stayed inside her office, currently loving the soothing effect of the silence and the weather. She wanted to have someone to talk to but since most of them aren't vampires like her, who was awake during the night, she urged herself not to bother anyone. She didn't have anything to talk about so as far as she's concerned, this night is as normal as any other night.

Funny, the night seemed to be quiet.

Just as that thought was about to make sense, she heard something over the speakers, Dr. Swift needed on delivery room seven. She grabbed her glasses and put them on. And at the same time, her watch vibrated and marked the black screen with the word 'URGENT' blinking in flashy yellow text.

Without a single hesitation or doubt, Taylor stood up and walked quickly towards the hallways. It's the same usual routine everytime and she didn't want any thought distracting her so she cleared her head and filled it with reassuring thoughts. Another child, another life, another family. . . Taylor, you're going to help another one. Trust me, everything will go out smoothly tonight.

She sighed and walked a bit faster. A few more couple of steps would do. She squinted her eyes in the distance because she thought she saw someone familiar. "Niall!" Taylor snapped while Niall kept up in her fast pace. "What are you doing here?" She breathed out and continued walking.

It's not like she needed to ask but Niall is rarely seen in hospitals unless there's an emergency. So, what is the emergency?

"What do you think?" The lad asked as they walked much faster to the delivery room. Taylor was wondering why he was walking with her until it hit her.

She saw Harry, Alison, Gemma, Lux and two elderly that looked like Liz, in fact Taylor suspected that they were Liz's parents. Though, where is Liz. Her mouth slightly opened, maybe it isn't a normal night after all.

Oh shh--- Taylor finally realized why they were all here. Her heart beated in a very fast pace, faster than her steps earlier. Everything inside her mind that had cleared became a horrid, dusty glass she was trying to see through. Her mind had messed up again in the moment she needed it to be clear as crystal.

Taylor panted, still, she couldn't get out of her head. "Hi, Auntie Taylor." She heard a young female voice and realized it was from Lux. Each and everyone of them who were there had their faces worried, tensed, nervous especially Harry, Taylor couldn't fail at this. God knows what'll happen if she did and it obviously won't be a stroll in the park.

She wished and prayed that she would be able to do this. Only two in the group was smiling, and that's Alison and Lux. Two little ones from different times, the ones who keep making Taylor feel a little better despite the situation. And these two looked on the brighter side. . . that's what Taylor needed. She wished Louis was here to flash that reassuring smile too but that isn't an option right now.

I can't do this. I can't do this.

Yes you can.

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