F i f t y - o n e

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Taylor's sleep wasn't deep, the slightest sounds and movement of her sheets would make her eyes flutter open easily. No matter how tired she was, all it takes was a simple click or a slight shiver to wake her up. She turned around to her right side then looked at her outstretched hand, she opened her palms and saw the shiny, silver necklace in her hand. She must have forgot to put it back.

Slowly, she sat up and tried her best not to make any noise. Near her picture frames and glasses, Taylor laid the necklace on top of the drawer beside her bed. She guessed it was still at least five am, the horizons are starting to light up and the stars are slowly fading away. Just a few seconds later, she buried her face back in her pillows and wrapped herself comfortably under the blanket.

I feel myself running out of time. And now I'm one step-♪

Boy, was it like a second when her eyes rung open because of a song wherein the vocals and instruments rose up in a volume her sleepy state can't ignore. She groaned, and reached for her phone. . . until she realized it wasn't her ringtone, and the one making the noise wasn't hers. She immediately sat up and saw Harry do the same. He grabbed his phone and then answered the call.

Drowsy as she was, Taylor didn't find it to herself to go back to sleep. She wouldn't be able to with Harry's voice ringing inside her head anyways. . . and as much as she avoided it, she also found herself listening to the conversation.

"No Liz, I-I fell asleep. . ." Harry slurred, now in a tired voice. "Ask Louis." He added, then his eyebrows furrowed, he frowned, "You're not going to believe me if I answer that." He looked at Taylor and just kept his face at her direction.

"No! I wasn't!" His voice boomed a little too loud that Taylor flinched. He looked pretty pissed off and frustrated about whatever Liz was saying. "Why have I even bothered to?" He groaned loudly and hung up. He almost threw his phone somewhere near him then slammed his head back to the pillow.

While Taylor stared for a moment, for all she thought that Harry's got himself a perfect marriage but apparently that only exist in fairytales. She knew they fight often, though not like this. Later on, she decided to ignore all of her thoughts and buried her head back in her pillows.

"T-Taylor." Harry slurred a bit.

Taylor groaned because she really wanted to sleep just a few more minutes before she gets ready for her next shift. "What?" She whined in a drowsy voice, and faced Harry.

He gulped down and looked a bit unwell. "Wh-Where is your bathroom?" He asked, his voice shaking and his face looked a little green.

"What? Why?" She sat up and took a good look at Harry. He covered his mouth when his cheeks grew, like he is holding something inside his mouth. . . it wasn't a split second when Taylor realized, "Holy sh--" she swore and got up on her feet. Almost sprinting, she opened the door and pulled Harry out of her bedroom. No, not in my bedroom.

Taylor and Harry made their way to the bathroom. He immediately went on his knees and had his mouth wet with both drool and vomit, his hands trying so hard to support him from landing face-first on the toilet. He kept retching and vomiting for a matter of seconds, Taylor already lost count that it may have already reached a couple of minutes. She just stared, her arms crossed while her foot was tapping on the ground.

Six, okay two minutes. . . no make it nine. Finally, Harry stopped vomiting. He kept groaning but never moved. Taylor handed him a towel and he accepted it. He used the towel to wipe his mouth and shakily stood up.

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