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Seeing as she couldn't sleep, Taylor put on her headphones and put her playlist on shuffle. Time flew, she just went around the dark room, walking back and forth, quietly humming along the songs. The crescent's moonlight and her phone was her only light source. . . Her skin was still pale and cold from her anxiety attack earlier but nevertheless, she felt better.

Still she couldn't sleep, same with some other nights. How many? She couldn't count now. Things have changed, back before all of these, she never feared passenger seats, she never feared the roads, she never flinch upon hearing about airports, she never hated the mention of green eyes or things that are British, but now, she doesn't know how to change her mind of those sort of things.
She sighed and lied on her bed again, she continuously hummed through the songs.

Until it rang. . .

She answered it instantly, knowing already who it was without even reading the caller ID.
"Yeah?" Taylor said, before the caller started talking.

"Well, hearing as you answered that swiftly, I suppose, you're still awake." He greeted, his voice cheery despite the fact that it's almost- Taylor checked the time, holy smokes, it's already eleven: twenty!

She chuckled, "You're good."

"You haven't seen the last of the sassmastaah." Louis replied. "In which case, since I miss you too much, I think I'll take you out tonight."

"But, don't you have a game or something or you have to go back to-"

"Such a nerve-perv." He cooed. "Don't you think I could go back to England on my own? Besides, it's already weekend, you've done your homework, we could do anything."

"Please, Tay. . . it's not everyday that I get to see my other bestfriend once more. Don't leave me hanging out here in your parking lot." Louis said, his voice sincere and very serious. It's good to hear that every once in a while, he gets serious on things.

Taylor smiled. "Course, I'll go. I mean how can I say-" she stopped. "You mean you've been waiting there since six this afternoon?!" She almost yelled. She knew Louis can take care of himself but he's too unfamiliar to the place.

"Yep, problem?" Louis asked in a mischievous tone.

"Ugh. Give me a sec, I'll be right there." Taylor said and ended the call. Quickly, she grabbed the jacket she took off earlier then her purse. She ran out of the dorm to the quiet, dark parking lot, costantly mumbling about how much of an idiot Louis is and how she is the same with him since she's following his steps right now.

What was he thinking? That idiot is going to get to loads of trouble if he keeps doing things like this. He can handle himself, I get that. . . but not everyone will appreciate his humor and sarcasm.

Mist came out from Taylor's breath as she tries catching it. Her eyes scanned the whole parking lot but no sigh of a 5'8 boy or any movement at all. Is Louis pranking him? No, he wouldn't do that. Why would he risk Taylor's safety for a minute of laughs? Everyone knows how dangerous streets go at nightfall.

Louis, where are you?

"Typical. . ." Taylor mumbled to herself, walking through the wide parking lot. "Lou, where are you?" She whispered, she didn't want to say it out loud anyways.

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